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ROCK ART RESEARCH《岩石艺术研究》 (Email投稿)

  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《岩石艺术研究》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



ROCK ART RESEARCH《岩石艺术研究》(半年刊)。The journal is devoted to developing theory and methodology for the systematic and rigorous understanding&nbs...[显示全部]







4、官网电话:(61-3) 9523 0549








The journal is devoted to developing theory and methodology for the systematic and rigorous understanding of palaeoart and related phenomena. Emphasis is given to communication across the various disciplines related to the study of global rock art, and to synthesising related subjects around the journal’s focus: the surviving externalisations of early world views.

Contributions should be consistent with these general goals. Notes for contributors appear below. All articles submitted will be refereed by peer reviewers. While final responsibility for the acceptance or rejection rests with the editor, responsibility for opinions expressed or data introduced is always the authors’.

Selected manuscripts will be sent to commentators and their reviews may be published in order to promote scholarly debate, in which case the author will be invited to respond to these comments. In addition to articles reporting original research or review of significance, the submission of brief reports, conference reports, book reviews and bibliographical entries is also invited.


Manuscripts of major research papers should preferably be from 3000 to 8000 words. Longer articles will be considered on the basis of merit. The preferred method of submitting initial drafts is in the form of PDF documents, with low-resolution images and tables placed in the text. Final submissions should comprise a single text file containing image captions, tables, acknowledgments, author(s) contact details and the bibliography on a CD/DVD disk, or sent electronically. The content of the paper should be outlined by four to six keywords placed above the title. The manuscript must include an abstract of 50 to 100 words, summarising the article. Major papers will be comprehensively refereed. Brief reports must be less than 2000 words long.

Spelling and punctuation in this journal follow the Style manual for authors, editors and printers of Australian government publications (3rd edn) and the Macquarie dictionary; where the two disagree the former has precedence. Footnotes should not be used. The bibliography and references in the text should follow the IFRAO style as indicated in this issue. Terminology must comply with the Rock Art Glossary.

If line drawings are included they must be larger than the intended published size (preferably by a factor of 1.5 to 2) and line thicknesses, stippling, lettering sizes etc. must be selected accordingly. Photographs should be colour gloss prints of high contrast. If submitted electronically they must initially be submitted in JPEG format, but final accepted versions must be at least 300 dpi of TIFF or better format. Photographs of rock art that were obtained by physical enhancement or other interference will be categorically rejected, except for the purpose of critical discussion. Preference is given to images featuring the IFRAO Standard Scale to facilitate recalibration. In regions where traditional indigenous rock art custodians exist, their approval must be obtained before submission of material relating to their culture, and where copyright applies the author must obtain the appropriate consent. Captions are required for all illustrative material, together with an indication in the text as to where they, and any tables or schedules, are to be placed.

Announcements intended for a specific issue of this journal should be available at least five months before the month of intended publication. Text proofs are issued of all articles and must be returned promptly after correction by the author(s). Each author receives a free personal PDF of his or her article.

All correspondence should be addressed to:

The Editor

Rock Art Research

P.O. Box 216

Caulfield South, Vic. 3162


Telephone and Fax: Melbourne (61-3) 9523 0549

E-mail: auraweb@hotmail.com


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