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热带气象学报(英文版)(Journal of Tropical Meteorology) (官网投稿)

《热带气象学报(英文版)》(Journal of Tropical Meteorology)(季刊)创刊于1995年,由中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所主办的热带大气科学学术期刊。侧重于热带气象领域,集中刊登热带大气动力学、天气学、气候学、大气物理、大气环境及数值天气预报等方面的学术成果,报道新的预报方法和成功的经验,综述本领域科研进展及动态。主要刊登热带大气科学的基础理论研究及应用研究方面的论文、热带地区...[显示全部]
本刊为:SCIE(2023版), 高质量科技期刊(T2), 维普收录, 知网收录, 目次收录(万方),第一批认定学术期刊,外文期刊,






llsh@gd121.cn; zyzhang@gd121.cn; yueq@gd121.cn










Sponsoring Institution


Journal of Tropical Meteorology (JTM) is a quarterly academic journal concerned with the study of tropical atmospheric sciences, sponsored by the Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, and supervised by Guangdong Meteorological Service. The journal has its own editorial office and is distributed by its own press to scientists all over the world. ISSN1006-8775CN44-1409/P.


Aim of the Journal


Founded in 1995, JTM adheres to the strictest academic standards whilst working closely with world renowned scientists in their field of research. It is committed to promoting the exchange and prosperity of meteorologists' academic achievements on a global scale. In more recent times, this journal has become a world-renowned trusted source for the scientific community both at home and abroad.


Journal Scope


JTM belongs to the journal of atmospheric science, but focuses on the field of tropical meteorology. It focuses on the academic achievements in a range of areas including tropical atmospheric dynamics, meteorology, climatology, atmospheric physics, atmospheric environment, numerical weather forecasting, new forecasting methods, as well as summarizes the research progress and trends in this field.


All the articles published in each issue are supported by various funds, offering reference for researchers, professionals, teachers and students in the fields of meteorology, oceanography, geography, aerospace, agriculture, forestry, fishery, water conservancy and electricity.


For more information about the subscription of the printed version and/or the submission of manuscripts, phone at 8620 39456441 or email at yueq@gd121.cn


Contributions from scholars all over the world are warmly welcome.



投稿指南Guideline for authors



1. General Requirements (总体要求)

JTM publishes original articles, letters, data description articles and reviews. To submit manuscripts on-line, please visit http://rdqx.ijournals.cn/ch/author/login.aspx.


The main text (excluding references) of an article or review should be no more than 8,000 words, and each essay, and a letter should be less than 5,000 words, with 3-5 key words given. For abstracts, JTM requires that they be guiding abstracts, that is, they should specify the main scope and contents of the manuscript, including the four elements of abstracts, i.e., purpose, method, result and conclusion, with the number of words of about 300. Please avoid the contents that have become common sense. Make sure that the abstract is concise and not segmented. Do not explain or self-evaluate the contents and results of the thesis. Key words should reflect the characteristics and contents of the paper and have retrieval significance. Please avoid the use of "development", "research", "design" and other general terms.


2. Manuscript Template for WORD Users (格式模板)

格式模板  JTM AsampleWORD.docx

Note that the MathType equation editor is recommended for display equations and variables in running text that cannot otherwise be properly set using the standard keyboard.


3. Copyright Agreement (著作权使用协议)

As soon as an article is submitted, authors will be requested to assign copyright of the article (or to grant exclusive publication and dissemination rights) to the publisher (Journal of Tropical Meteorology Press). Please download the Copyright Transfer Statement.


4. References (参考文献)

References must be complete and properly formatted and only literature cited in the text can be listed.


4.1 For typical journal citations it follows the form:


Journals in English 英文期刊:

[1] KLEIN P M, WANG B, ELSBERRY R L. Extratropical transition of western North Pacific tropical cyclone: Midlatitude contributions to intensification [J]. Mon Wea Rev, 2002, 130(9): 2240-2259, https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0493(2002)1302.0.CO;2.

[2] LI Ying, CHEN Lian-shou, ZHANG Sheng-jun, et al. Statistical characteristics of tropical cyclone making landfalls on China [J]. J Trop Meteor, 2004, 20(1): 14-23, https://doi.org/10.1117/12.528072.

Journals in Chinese 中文期刊:

[3] YUAN Zi-peng, ZHANG Li-xiang. Analysis of climatic characteristics on activities of tropical cyclones landing from the Yellow Sea or Bohai Sea [J]. Meteor Mon, 2005, 31(6): 39-42(in Chinese), https://doi.org/10.1117/12.528072.

4.2 For a book it follows the form:


[4] CHEN Lian-shou, DING Yi-hui. Introductory Summary on West Pacific Typhoons [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 1979: 423-428 (in Chinese).

4.3 For a chapter in a book it follows the form:


[5] ABDI H, WILLIAMS L J. Partial least squares methods: partial least squares correlation and partial least square regression [M]// REISFELD B, MAYENO A (eds), Methods in Molecular Biology. New York: Humana Press, 2013: 549-579.

4.4 For a website, it follows the form:


[6] WANG Bing-lan, SONG Li-li, CHEN Wen-chao, et al. Drag coefficient during strong typhoons [J/OL]. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2013/650971/, 2013-05-21/2017-05-11.

4.5 For a conference proceeding, it follows the form:


[7] CHEN Lian-shou. Advances in the Research on Typhoon Landfall [C]// Proceedings of Abstracts of the 11th National Science Symposium on Tropical Cyclones. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 1999: 11-13.

4.6 For a report, it follows the form:


[8] FINKE U. Characterising the lightning source for the MTG lightning imager mission [R]. Hannover: Institure für Meteotologie und Klimatologie, 2006.

4.7 For a thesis or dissertation, it follows the form:


[9] ZHANG Ling-jie. Observation and simulations of gravity waves over the Tibetan Plateau [D]. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 2010: 1 (in Chinese).

5. Figures (图形要求)

Vector-based figures (eps., ai., or psd.) should be provided upon acceptance of a paper.


Please only use figures when necessary. Figures should be used in accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations.



6. Publication Charge (出版费用)

Publication charges help cover the cost of publishing and disseminating research results. Authors of papers accepted for publication in JTM must pay page charges at the price of 300.00RMB per black and white page, and 800.00RMB per colour page.


7. Receipt (发票)

Electronic receipt is available upon request.


8. Useful Documents (有用文件)


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