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Journal of Hard Tissue Biology《硬组织生物学杂志》 (Email投稿)

  • 参考译名《硬组织生物学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率8.20%
  • 主要研究方向医学-ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL工程:生物医学



Journal of Hard Tissue Biology《硬组织生物学杂志》(季刊). Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (JHTB) (CODEN-JHTBFF, PRINT ISSN 1341-7649, ONLINE ISSN 18...[显示全部]












Ethical Guidelines for The Journal of Hard Tissue Biology

 - Instruction for Authers -

Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (JHTB) (CODEN-JHTBFF, PRINT ISSN 1341-7649, ONLINE ISSN 1880-828X) is each official journal of academic financial supporting members which organize The Hard Tissue Biology Network Association (JHTB Net).

Journal of Hard Tissue Biology Abstracted/Indexed in Web of Science: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/ Science Edition, Chemical Abstracts, SciFinder, Scoupus, Medical online library, J-Stage [http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jhtb/_vols:Volume 13(1)- ], GeNii (National Institute of Infomatics academic content portal) :JHTB 2 (1) -7 (2): http://ci.nii.ac.jp/vol_issue/nels/AN10411406_ja.html; JHTB 4 (1) -17 (3): http://ci.nii.ac.jp/vol_issue/nels/AA11074332_ja.html: Volume 2-(1)-7(2) ], and Japan Centra Revuo Medicina.

Aims and Scope

The journal covers all disciplines involved in the fields of hard tissue regenerative medicine, biomaterials, hard tissue biology, dentistry and oral maxillofacial surgery, craniofacial research, including molecular and morphological studies related to oral physiological and pathological conditions, also included in basic examination results and clinical research.

Editorial Policy

Journal of Hard Tissue Biology publishes papers relating to all areas of basic and clinical dental and medical science. Papers may be submitted by those not affiliated with JHTB members. In the case, JHTB-Network Association (JHTB-Net) ask ordinal publication fee and the extra-ordinal member fee to the author. Only original papers which have not been published or submitted elsewhere and timely review articles should be submitted. Papers may be full length articles or short communications. Clinical Report is considered if they describe significant and substantial new findings. In general, Case Report is not acceptable. Prior consultation with the editor is recommended before preparing or submitting review articles. Responsibility lies entirely with the author for all statements contained in the paper, including bibliographic references. Manuscripts must be written in English.


For any investigation involving human subjects, informed consent must be obtained from the subject(s) and/or their guardian(s) and this must be clearly stated in the paper. Investigations on human subjects and experiments should conform to accepted ethical standards formulated in the Helsinki Declaration of 1964 (revised in 2000, cf. http://www.med.or.jp/wma/helsinki02_j.html). Fully informed consent should be obtained and noted in the manuscripts. Similarly, the protocol for animal experiments should also comply with the provisions of the Helsinki Declaration and should be approved by an institutional review board.

The articles should be as brief as possible while still presenting the necessary information for an evaluation by readers. All pages will be charged to the authors.

Copyright of data and text that was used in the document is transferred to the issuer of JHTB Network Association. Contact: JHTB Network Association: mail: editor@jhtb.jp

Manuscripts should be submitted to (E-mail: office@jhtb.jp)

Hatsuhiko Maeda (Editor-in-Chief)

The Journal of Hard Tissue Biology/ JHTB Network Association Department of Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin University, 1-100 Kusumoto-Cho, Chikusa, Nagoya, 464-8650 Japan, E-mail: office@jhtb.jp

Authors may wish to use rapid mail service.

Manuscript must be written in English and typed double spaced with 2.5 cm margins on all sides using A-4 paper, and submitted in triplicate with at least two sets of original figures. Authors whose command of English is not thorough should enlist the aid of an English-speaking colleague or editor. Pages should be numbered consecutively beginning with the title page.

Review Process and Revision of Manuscripts

The manuscripts will be reviewed initially for appropriateness and general format at the Editorial Office. The manuscript will be either fully accepted, accepted with minor changes, rejected with an invitation to resubmit after major changes, or rejected. All decisions may be appealed to the Editor committer.

Manuscripts are sent to 2-3 specialists who suggest whether to accept or reject the article or to return it to the author(s) for revision. In the case of revised manuscripts.

Galley Proof

Authors of accepted manuscripts will receive only one proof. It must be returned promptly to avoid a delay in publication. The proof should be marked Ready for Press and signed by the corresponding author. Any major changes made in the proof will require that the paper be reviewed again by the Editor and may delay in publication.

Reprints should be ordered on the form provided when returned the proof.

Consult recent issues of the journal for examples of the format to use. Manuscripts must be organized as follows:

1. Title Page. This page should include: (a) full title of the paper; (b) names and affiliations of the authors; (c) a short running title; and (d) the name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and email address of the corresponding author.

2. Abstract (page 2). The abstract should provide a concise description of the study and summarize its major conclusions in 300 words or less. It must be able to stand alone for use by abstracting services. Use full references when necessary, not citation. Follow the abstract with 2-5 key words in alphabetical order for indexing.

3. Text. The text should be involved into: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. The discussion should be brief and limited to interpretations and reasonable speculation.

4. Abbreviations. Accepted standard abbreviations may be used Nonstandard abbreviations should be defined by a footnote or in parenthesis when first used in the text.

5. Footnotes. Footnotes should be used only when necessary. They should be indicated by superscript numbers and placed on a separate page. Footnotes in a table should be placed under the table.

6. Acknowledgements. Acknowledgements to consultants, others who contributed in the study, and supporting agencies should appear on a separate page.

7. Conflict of Interest. Conflict of interest (COI) that might interfere with the objective presentation of the research findings contained in the manuscript should be declared in a paragraph heading “COI” (after Acknowledgment section and before References). Examples of COI are ownership of stock in a company, commercial grants, board membership, etc. If there is no COI, please use the statement “The authors have declared that no COI exists”.

8. References. Each reference should include the surnames and initials of all the authors, full title of the article, journal name using standard abbreviations, volume, inclusive pages, and year of publication in the format shown below.

Journal article

1. Missana L, Nagai N and Kuboki Y. Comparative histological studies of bone and cartilage formation induced by various BMP-carrier composites. Jpn Oral Biol 36: 9-19, 1994

2. Oz HS and Puleo DA. Animal models for periodontal disease. J Biomed Biotechnol 2011: doi:10.115/2011/754857

Chapter in a book

Bilezikian JP. Clinical disorders of the parathyroid glands. In: Clinical Endocrinology of Calcium Metabolism, ed by Martin TJ and Raisz LG, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York and Basel, 1978, pp 53-96.


Watson JD, Gilman M, Witkowski J and Zoller M. Recombinant DNA. New York Press, 1992.

9. Legends for Figures. These should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and complied separately from the text.

(Please use Text file: Word file, Table file: Excell), (Power Point is not possible.) Text files and figure attached PDF file at the same time.

10. Tables. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, and each table should be on a separate page.

11. Figures. The publisher and the Editor are resolved to provide the best possible reproductions of the illustrations. To so this, the authors must submit high quality originals.

Line Drawings

The originals should be in India ink with three photographic copies, or they may be computer drawn if the quality is high.


Color photographs and illustrations will be charged to the authors.

Amino acid and nucleiotide sequences

Sequences may be computer printed using a monospace font and a high quality printer.


Notice for photocopying

If you wish to photocopy any work of this publication, you have to get permission from the following organization to which licensing of copyright clearance is delegate by the copyright owner.

<All users except those in USA>

Japan Academic Association for Copyright Clearances,Inc.(JAACC) 6-41 Akasaka 9-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052 Japan

Phone: +81-1-3475-5618, Fax: +81-3-3475-5619, Email: info@jaacc.jp

<Users in USA>

MA 01923, USA. Phone: +1-978-750-8400, Fax: +1-978-646-8600

JHTB Network Association Office (JHTB-Net)

Adress: 4-9-3 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo,107-0052 Japan. (Japan Science Support Foundation)

Phone: +81-3-3403-9788 or +81-3-5410-0242, Fax: +81-3-5410-1822

President: Tohru Takagi: E-mail: editor@jhtb.jp

Official Manager: Tomoko Kobayashi: Email: jssf@m4.dion.ne.jp

Chief financial officer: Ayae Sugiki

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