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中兴通讯技术(英文)(ZTE Communications) (官网投稿)

《中兴通讯技术(英文)》(ZTE Communications)(季刊),创刊于2003年,是经国家新闻出版署批准,由安徽出版集团有限责任公司主管,时代出版传媒股份有限公司、深圳航天广宇工业有限公司共同主办,安徽科学技术出版社出版,中兴通讯技术杂志社编辑发行的科技期刊。主要刊载通信领域最新理论与技术相关论文,读者群为海外高等院校、科研院所及电信运营商的科研人员。目前有专题、综述、研究论文3个主要栏目。
本刊为:高质量科技期刊(T3), 维普收录, 万方收录, 知网收录,第一批认定学术期刊,外文期刊,














Submission Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts must be typed in English and submitted electronically in MS Word (or compatible) format. The word length is approximately 3000 to 8000, and no more than 8 figures or tables should be included. Authors are requested to submit mathematical material and graphics in an editable format.

Abstract and Keywords

Each manuscript must include an abstract of approximately 150 words written as a single paragraph. The abstract should not include mathematics or references and should not be repeated verbatim in the introduction. The abstract should be a self-contained overview of the aims, methods, experimental results, and significance of research outlined in the paper. Five carefully chosen keywords must be provided with the abstract.


Manuscripts must be referenced at a level that conforms to international academic standards. All references must be numbered sequentially in-text and listed in corresponding order at the end of the paper. References that are not cited in-text should not be included in the reference list. References must be complete and formatted according to ZTE Communications Editorial Style. A minimum of 10 references should be provided. Footnotes should be avoided or kept to a minimum.

Copyright and Declaration

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material for which they do not hold copyright. Permission to reproduce any part of this publication for commercial use must be obtained in advance from the editorial office of ZTE Communications. Authors agree that a) the manuscript is a product of research conducted by themselves and the stated co-authors, b) the manuscript has not been published elsewhere in its submitted form, c) the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. If the paper is an adaptation of a speech or presentation, acknowledgement of this is required within the paper. The number of co-authors should not exceed five.

Content and Structure

ZTE Communications seeks to publish original content that may build on existing literature in any field of communications. Authors should not dedicate a disproportionate amount of a paper to fundamental background, historical overviews, or chronologies that may be sufficiently dealt with by references. Authors are also requested to avoid the overuse of bullet points when structuring papers. The conclusion should include a commentary on the significance/future implications of the research as well as an overview of the material presented.

Biographical Information

All authors are requested to provide a brief biography (approx. 100 words) that includes email address, educational background, career experience, research interests, awards, and publications.

Acknowledgements and Funding

A manuscript based on funded research must clearly state the program name, funding body, and grant number. Individuals who contributed to the manuscript should be acknowledged in a brief statement.

Address for Submission




ZTE Communications》杂志介绍


ZTE Communications》是经国家新闻出版署批准,由安徽出版集团有限责任公司主管,时代出版传媒股份有限公司、深圳航天广宇工业有限公司共同主办,安徽科学技术出版社出版,中兴通讯技术杂志社编辑发行的科技期刊。目前刊物为季刊,大16开本,国内外公开发行,每期发行5000册,中国标准连续出版物号为CN 34-1294/TN,国际标准连续出版物号为ISSN 1673-5188,主要刊载通信领域最新理论与技术相关论文,读者群为海外高等院校、科研院所及电信运营商的科研人员。

一、 刊物简介

ZTE Communications》创刊于20036月,2005年获正式刊号,国内外公开发行。刊物聘请来自多个国家的33位知名专家作为编委,编辑委员会主任由北京大学高文院士担任,副主任由中兴通讯股份有限公司总裁徐子阳和美国韦恩州立大学须成忠教授担任。

高学术水平是科技刊物的核心竞争力。《ZTE Communications》一直以刊载高水平原创通信类科技论文作为基本准则。

二、 刊物特色



三、 编委实力

通过编委制度和流程的建设及国际编委的发展,刊物目前有33位编委,分别来自美国、中国、加拿大、英国、日本、澳大利亚和新加坡,其中17位编委为IEEE Fellow。国际化的编委队伍是办刊的有力支持和保障。

四、 刊物主要栏目及办刊规范

ZTE Communications》目前有专题、综述、研究论文3个主要栏目。


编辑部参考海外知名刊物和出版组织的编辑规范,根据自身刊物特点,编制了《<ZTE Communications>杂志编排规范细则》和《<ZTE Communications>杂志编校规范细则》并严格执行。

五、 数据库收录情况

目前,《ZTE Communications》已被国内外多家期刊数据库收录,包括:

- 哥白尼索引数据库(波兰)

- INSPEC数据库(英国)

- 剑桥科学文摘数据库(美国)

- 乌利希期刊目录(美国)

- 文摘杂志(AJ)(俄罗斯)

- 万方数字期刊数据库

- 中国科技期刊数据库

ZTE Communications》是具有国际视野的学术交流刊物,目前正处在快速成长的发展过程中。刊物将不断创新,形成更加鲜明的个性特色,为全球信息化建设做出更大的贡献。

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