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寒旱区科学(英文版)(Research in Cold and Arid Regions)(免版面费) (官网投稿)

《寒旱区科学(英文版)》(双月刊)(Research in Cold and Arid Regions),创刊于2008年,由中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所、科学出版社有限责任公司主办。及时报道寒冷、干旱环境下,地球表层系统的过程和格局研究的最新成果。寒区研究: 侧重低温环境下, 寒区特殊的物理过程、 化学过程和生物过程及其相互作用的研究; 强...[显示全部]
本刊为:CSCD核心(2023-2024), 高质量科技期刊(T2), 维普收录, 万方收录, 知网收录, 超星收录,第一批认定学术期刊,不收版面费,外文期刊,

















寒旱区科学 2024-03-26 13:23 甘肃



感谢各位专家学者长期以来对《寒旱区科学》(英)的关注和支持。2024年《寒旱区科学》(英)投审稿系统变更为Elsevier平台EM投稿系统,期刊新的投审稿网址为: https://www2.cloud.editorialmanager.com/rcar/default2.aspx(可通过点击启事下方的阅读原文跳转相关链接)。

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Research in Cold and Arid Regions《寒旱区科学》(英文)创刊于2008年,是由中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院主办的国际性学术刊物,期刊主编为赖远明院士、冯起院士。

期刊立足于地球上两大极区寒区与旱区研究领域成果,突出天-地-生系统研究和人-地系统研究的交叉学科特色,将及时报道寒冷、干旱环境下, 地球表层系统的过程和格局研究的最新成果。

目前期刊被E-SCIEmerging Sources Citation Index)、 ScopusEBSCO NASA ADSCAB AbstractsCentre for Agriculture and Bioscience Abstract)、UPDUlrich’s Periodical Directory)、JST ChinaJapan Science and Technology Agency)、CSCDChinese Science Citation Database)、CSPDChina Science Periodical Database)等国内外数据库收录。

2019年《寒旱区科学》荣获最具国际影响力期刊2021年荣获首届西牛奖十佳优秀英文期刊2022年度《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)首个影响因子为1.02023年入选中科院SCI期刊分区4区。


电话: 0931-8267850

邮箱: scar@lzb.ac.cn






1. Aims and scope

Research in Cold and Arid Regions is a bimonthly journal that publishes in English the latest research achievements in processes and the patterns of the Earth surface system in cold and arid regions. Researches in cold regions emphasize particularly on the cold-region-characterized physical, chemical and biological processes and their interactions, and on the response of cryosphere to global change and human activities as well as their effects on environment and the acclimatizable strategies; focus on the objects of glacier, snow, river, lake, sea ice, permafrost and seasonal frozen ground, and periglacial geomorphology, etc.; and think much of cold regions engineering and technology. Researches in arid regions emphasize particularly on the arid-region-characterized physical, chemical and biological processes and their interactions, and on the response of arid regions to global change and human activities as well as their effects on environment and the acclimatizable strategies; focus on the objects of desert, oasis, loess, and aeolian landforms, etc.; and support integrated studies on mountain-desert-oasis system in arid watershed with water resources as masterstroke, so as to provide reliable technological support for water safety, ecology safety and food safety in arid regions.

2. Manuscript submission

Research in Cold and Arid Regions operates an online submission and peer review system that allows authors to submit articles online and track their progress via a web interface. To submit a manuscript, please enter Journal’s Homepage, http://www.SCAR.ac.cn or directly enter https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/scars, get an account, and follow the instructions to upload the paper files (in Word format). The signed Copyright Transfer Form (Download on Author Dashboard-Instructions & Forms) should be scanned and uploaded as 'Supplementary files not for review' with the online submission of your article. Authors are encouraged to suggest the names and full contact details of potential referees on the understanding that the Editor has the final decision on the selection of referees. Submission of a manuscript will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere at the same time. 

3. Manuscript types

Review: authoritative and foresighted articles, which review the present research status, progress and problems of active, rapidly developing research fields, and bring forward perspicacious assume for future study; summarize the representative achievements of a certain important field, findings, progresses and problems in the emerging research fields and make suggestions for the future work.

Research articles: report innovative, systematic and integrated study results.

Brief express: report prominently innovative investigation with great academic significance. Text comprises only a heading (no subhead) and a brief abstract, totaling less than 3,000 words (two page spaces). The full text of final investigation results can still be published in 'Research articles' of this Journal.    

Forum or news: introduce and comment on quality monographs of natural sciences, discuss and make reply to the contributions published in Research in Cold and Arid Regions, or introduce and comment on a controversial issue of general interest; report important scientific news, information, and academic affairs, as well as the significant international conferences held in China (800 words).




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