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2021/12/30 16:45:33 来源:官网信息 阅读:753 发布者:

Guide for Authors

Aims and scope

The COSPAR publication Advances in Space Research (ASR) is an open journal covering all areas of space research including: space studies of the Earth's surface, meteorology, climate, the Earth-Moon system, planets and small bodies of the solar system, upper atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres of the Earth and planets including reference atmospheres, space plasmas in the solar system, astrophysics from space, materials sciences in space, fundamental physics in space, space debris, space weather, Earth observations of space phenomena, etc.

NB: Please note that manuscripts related to life sciences as related to space are no more accepted for submission to Advances in Space Research. Such manuscripts should now be submitted to the new COSPAR Journal Life Sciences in Space Research (LSSR).

All submissions are reviewed by two scientists in the field. COSPAR is an interdisciplinary scientific organization concerned with the progress of space research on an international scale. Operating under the rules of ICSU, COSPAR ignores political considerations and considers all questions solely from the scientific viewpoint.


Guide for Authors

Submit all manuscripts to the following website - Editorial Manager:


Author benefits: No page charge except for printed color Figures. Accepted articles will be published online in their untypeset version within several days after acceptance; these articles can be cited by doi.

 We now differentiate between the requirements for new and revised submission. You may choose to submit your manuscript as a single Word or PDF file to be used in the refereeing process.

Only when your paper is at (final) revision stage, you will be requested to put your paper into “correct” format for acceptance and provide the items required for the publication of your article.

1. Initial Preparation

1.1 LaTeX Users

 An ASR specific LaTeX template and the Elsevier style file can be found at https://www.editorialmanager.com/AISR, under the link "Guide for Authors".

 We suggest you to have the abstract in a separate file and possibly a file with names and e-mail addresses of potential reviewers available for "copy and paste" directly into the Editorial Manager site.

1.2 Word Processor Users

 Prepare your manuscript in the standard format of the word processor system you are using. Keep the layout simple without any special formatting. Do not center or right justify paragraphs or hyphenate words.

 Prepare one manuscript file, which will contain title, author names, author affiliations (corresponding author name, e-mail and phone on the bottom of page 1), abstract, key words, complete text with Figures (with captions) and Tables inside, list of references, appendices (if any), supplementary material or accessible reference to it (e.g. web address).

 Prepare one file with Abstract for submission (“copy and paste”).

 You should submit 3-6 potential reviewers. It is recommended to have names and e-mail addresses of potential reviewers available in a file for "copy and paste" into Editorial Manager.

 Submitting Highlights is optional but recommended (separate Highlights file) – about 3 short sentences (maximum of 100 characters) with core results of the paper.

2. Manuscript Submission

2.1 Registration

 You must first register before you can use the Elsevier electronic submission system. Go to the web page for Advances in Space Research (https://www.editorialmanager.com/AISR). Click on “register”. After completing the registration, you will be e-mailed a username and password that will allow access to the system. You will need this information each time you access the electronic submission system. If you have forgotten your username and password, click on the "Forgot Your Password" bar on the "Register" page. Keep username and password for submission of future papers.

2.2. On-Line Submission and Article Type

 Go to (https://www.editorialmanager.com/AISR). Click on “Author log in”. Type in your user name and password. The author main menu will appear. Click on "Submit New Manuscript". At this time a progression menu will appear on the left side of the page.






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