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2021/11/5 11:12:39 来源:官网信息 阅读:699 发布者:


Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission

New submissions must be submitted through ScholarOne.

If you have not already done so, check to see if you are already in the ScholarOne database by putting your email address in the E-mail Address field under Password Help and click "Go". You could be in the database even if you were never previously an author of a manuscript submitted to any of the ESA journals. Do not create a new account if you are already in the database. If you suspect we have an old email address for you, please contact esajournals@esa.org to update your record. If you have verified that there is no account for you, you can create an account at the submission site by clicking on the “Register Here” button. Please study the site’s Instructions and Forms using the link at the top of the screen and then let the system guide you through the submission process. Online help is available to you at all times during the process.

Types of contributions

Ecology is publishing more concise papers than has been the tradition for this journal. Concise publications yield increased interest, allow a greater number of papers and topics to appear in the journal, and provide greater content per page published. The number and average length of Articles published in Ecology is decreasing, and the number of Reports is increasing. Many publications conceived in the past as Articles will hence forth be cast as Reports, with an average length of 5-6 journal pages. Our goal is to publish Reports within six months of submission. Articles and Concepts and Synthesis papers will continue to be published in Ecology, but these will be shorter than the average Article of the past. Authors will designate portions of their manuscript as supporting information to appear in Wiley Online Library and be directly linked to the publication.

Manuscript types are as follows. These links will open up a new page in our "Types of Contributions" section.


Statistical Reports


Concepts & Synthesis

The Scientific Naturalist

Special Features


Comments and Replies

Data Papers


Submission requirements

Cover Letter. The cover letter should explain how the manuscript fits the scope of the journal, and more specifically how it advances the field, while having broad appeal. If the manuscript relates to any previous submission to an ESA journal, that must be explained as well. Longer submissions those between 30 and 50 manuscript pages) should be accompanied by a detailed justification for the length. There is a required text box for the cover letter. Uploading a cover letter as an attachment is optional.

Author List. All authors and co-authors must be present in both the online submission form and on the title page of the manuscript. State each author’s affiliation(s) on the title page, usually the institutional affiliation of the author during the period when all or most of the data were collected. Present address(es), if different, should appear in parentheses.

There can be only one corresponding author for a manuscript. During peer review, the corresponding and contact authors can be the same person, or you can have two different authors for the two roles. Statements of author roles may be provided within the paper's Acknowledgments section if you feel author contributions should be specifically noted.

Contact author: Will handle all correspondence during the submission and review process.

Corresponding author: Will handle all correspondence with the publisher following acceptance and be the official correspondent of the published version of the manuscript. The Corresponding Author will be the author that works with the publisher during production; this author will be responsible for signing the license agreement, approving proofs, naming a billing contact, and will be listed as the correspondent on the published version.






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