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2021/10/20 13:44:21 来源:官网信息 阅读:310 发布者:

Annales de Biologie Clinique (Paris) - Information

Annales de Biologie Clinique (Paris) are designed to exchange information on all aspects of medical biology, all disciplines and any mode of exercise. The international quality of the magazine, indexed in Medline, requires that the suggested articles are comprehensible for readers not necessarily familiar with the discipline or the covered subject, but also in conformity with the international standards, in particular for the presentation of the manuscripts, the originality of the exposed data and the new information brought to the reader of the magazine.

The authors are invited to very attentively read the following instructions and recommendations. Manuscripts that do not comply will be returned to authors without any analysis by the Editorial Board of the journal.


OPINION PAPERS. They must give a progress report on a topical question. They must be 5 typed pages maximum and less than 10 bibliographical references. Authors, personalities of reputation in the field of French or international medical biology, are asked to contact the editorial commitee (abc@pharmacie.parisdescartes.fr) before proposing the submission of an opinion paper.

REVIEWS. The aim is to propose a settling of knowledge and underlining recent data acquisitions on a precise subject and delimited field. Manuscripts should not exceed 30 typed pages and 8 illustrations, tables or figures. They will be accompanied by :

- Bibliographical references (up to 50) that do not pretend to be exhaustive but rather to be current and selective,

- a summary in French and English, 250 words maximum

- A running title in French and English

- Key words (up to 5) in French and English

ORIGINAL ARTICLES. They aim to present a scientific report on innovative methods, clinicobiological investigations in which biology holds a dominating place, experimental approaches or protocols for problem solving in human pathology. Drafting recommendations are identical to those of reviews.

DAILY CLINICAL BIOLOGY. This section is devoted to the daily exercise of biology. The topics are : technical or economic evaluations of reagents or materials, adaptation of methods to existing equipment, quality assurance and vigilances, analysis semiological value, organization and management of laboratories, facts or clinical files… Usual format of articles is approximately 15 typed pages, 10 bibliographical references, 5 tables and/or figures, English and French summaries, key words and running titles. Concerning facts or clinical files, it is suggested to present them into three parts: presentation of the case, biologist comment, physician comment, and conclusion.

IMMUNO-ANALYTICAL PROFILES.This heading take over, since 2014, a theme ACORATA had made a specialty of, namely immuno-analytical characteristics of the reagents used in clinical chemistry. The model of manuscripts submitted for this section is available from the technical secretariat of the journal

ILLUSTRATIONS IN LABORATORY MEDICINE. This section aims to present an illustration, consisting of one or more photographs, presenting an educational or informative nature. The articles, preferably submitted in English and written by max. four authors, should not exceed 300 words and may be accompanied by up to two references. Photographic materials must be of high quality (see instructions below) .

QUALITE/ACCREDITATION. This section is dedicated to all works, recommendations, experience feedbacks, point of view… in the field of quality control /quality assurance and of the accreditation of medicine laboratories. A rigorous presentation of the texts is imperative, but the format can vary according to the covered subject. A bibliography bringing back the normative or statutory texts or the published experiments is obligatory. It is essential that the talk of setting up work, follow-up of accreditation or quality assurance approach be informative and useful for the readers, therefore for other structures that the presented one.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. This section provides the opportunity to make clarifications, comments or result of personal experiences about a subject of biology (analytical methodology, bio-clinical supply of a dosage, exercise of medical biology…) presented in the Annales de Biologie Clinique. The manuscript must comprise 3 typed pages maximum, 1 possible illustration (figure or table) included, and less than 5 bibliographical references.


Manuscripts are written in French or English language. In both cases, grammatical and orthographical rules must be rigorously respected :the editorial committee will return before their expertise all manuscripts written in incorrect or insufficient French or English.

The texts must be typed (software Word, compatible for PC) in double spacing, with 2,5 cm side margins, in Times New Roman letter type, size 12 (justification of the text on the left and on the right).

The manuscripts will be subjected exclusively by electronic way on the dedicated site by the editions John Libbey Eurotext to the magazine, at the following address:


Where instructions concerning the forms of submission are detailed.

No manuscript will be accepted if addressed

by post way or by email

Relations between authors and the editorial secretary of the magazine should be privileged by electronic way, at the following address:


The postal contact details of the journal are:

Secrétariat des Annales de biologie clinique (Paris)

Société Française de Biologie clinique (case 12)

Faculté de Pharmacie Paris Descartes

4, avenue de l’observatoire

F75006 Paris - France

The Internet site of the journal is accessible at the following address:


The manuscripts will comprise the following elements:

Title. It must be informative and explicit. Associate a French title.

Short title. Limited to 80 characters (spaces included). Associate an English and French running titles.

Summary. It is mandatory (in French and English) for all items (except the "Letters to the editor") and must be structured, without line return. Size is imperatively limited to 250 words.

Text. The first page contains : section considered, names and first names of the authors, origin of work, titles and short titles (in French and English), authors addresses and precise address of the corresponding author (including phone number, fax and email address), English and French key words.

References. Bibliographical references will be classified in their order of appearance in the text (called in the text by their number between hooks). Indicate all the authors if they are 6 or less, or the first 6 authors followed by the mention “and al.” when they are more. All the references must be quoted in the text.

- For journal articles : Name of the authors followed by the initial of their first names. Title of the article in the source language. Name of the magazine shortened according to the type of the Index medicus (no punctuation after the abbreviations) ; year, volume: first and last pages of the article, e.g.:

1. Dubousset J, Charpak G, Skalli W, Kalifa G. Skeletal and spinal imaging with EOS system. Arch Pediatr 2013; 15: 665-6.

- For books’ articles : Name of the authors. Title of the article in the source language. In: name and initials of the editors. Title of the book. City : name of the editor, year of publication: first and last pages of the article, e.g.:

1. Blair JA. Central Tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism in the nervous system. In: Wachter H, ED. Biochemical and clinical aspects of pteridines. Berlin: W de Gruyter, 2005:103 - 10.

- For books : Same presentation of the authors. Title of the book. City: name of the editors, year of publication: page number, e.g.:

1. Dumont R. L’ ostéodystrophie. Paris: Medical edition, 2008:45.

Illustrations. The photographic documents must be of excellent quality (or of definition of 600 dpi minimum for the computer versions, JPEG or tiff format). Figure captions will be typed on a separate page. Legends should enable their reading and understanding without the need to refer to the text. All illustration documents must be referred in the text. In the event that some of the illustrations are provided by third parties, whether or not already been published, the author agrees to obtain from them all the necessary rights for the integration of these illustrations in the article and exploitation under this form. Copyrights will be communicated with the manuscript.

These permissions are generally granted via the https://www.copyright.com website (see "Get permission" button available for each article).

Abbreviations. The authors must avoid abbreviations. Any set of initials or abbreviation necessary must be clarified at its first appearance in the text. Any enzyme must be identified by its international classification at its first appearance in the text.

Quantities and units. The SFBC recommends the use of units of the International System of Units (IS).

Ethics. Any study of a group of patients should follow the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki. In order to prevent any difficulty of interpretation in this field, please mention in the text the taking of advice from the Ethics Committee (EC) requested for the completion of the study. Similarly, studies reporting animal experiments in vivo must have been completed in accordance with the legal provisions on animal experimentation; this information will be mentioned in the text.


Manuscripts are submitted to the Editorial Committee which submit them to two experts in the field. After final acceptance of the manuscript, minor modifications relating exclusively to the style (and illustrations) could be introduced directly by the Editorial Committee, without consulting the author, to accelerate the publication.


Only summaries, original articles and articles from the section “Quality / Accreditation” are concerned by reprints.



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