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2021/10/19 14:52:27 来源:官网信息 阅读:347 发布者:

Anatomical Sciences Education

Author Guidelines


Anatomical Sciences Education offers an international forum for the exchange of ideas, opinions, innovations, and evidence-based research on topics related to education in the anatomical sciences of gross anatomy, embryology, histology, neurosciences, biomedical and life sciences. The journal covers all levels of anatomical sciences education including, undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, allied health, veterinary, medical (both allopathic and osteopathic), and dental. The journal welcomes submissions from these fields of study:

general education as it relates to anatomical sciences

education technology, pedagogical advancements, and innovations

ethics and humanity as it relates to anatomical sciences and body donation

teaching of non-technical skills in anatomy sciences education

assessments of knowledge and skills in anatomical sciences

application of anatomical knowledge in clinical training/education


All submissions are required to be made online at the Anatomical Sciences Education Manuscript Central site (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ase). If you are submitting for the first time, and you do not have an existing account, create a new account. Returning users should check for an existing account.

Once you are logged onto the site, submission should be made via the Author Center page. Submit your manuscript and all figures as separate files. You do not need to mail any paper copies of your manuscript. At the end of a successful submission, a confirmation screen with manuscript number will appear and you will receive an e-mail confirming that the manuscript has been received by the journal. If this does not happen, please check your submission and/or contact technical support at ts.mcsupport@clarivate.com .

Only manuscripts written in acceptable English (US spelling) will be considered. If the author does not have English-writing skills equivalent to that of a native English speaker, the manuscript should be appropriately edited prior to submission to avoid rejection based on unacceptable writing. Manuscripts should be as concise as possible, and all authors must approve submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts must be original and must not have been published previously either in whole or in part, except in abstract form, and must not be under consideration by any other journal.

Notice of Wiley’s Compliance with NIH Grants and Contracts Policy. Recently, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has requested that its grantees submit copies of manuscripts upon their acceptance for publication to PubMedCentral (PMC), a repository housed within the National Library of Medicine. On behalf of our authors who are also NIH grantees, Wiley will deposit in PMC, at the same time that the article is published in our journal, the peer-reviewed version of the author’s manuscript. Wiley will stipulate that the manuscript may be available for ‘‘public access’’ in PMC 12 months after the date of publication. By assuming this responsibility, Wiley will ensure that authors are in compliance with the NIH request, as well as make certain the appropriate version of the manuscript is deposited. When an NIH grant is mentioned in the Acknowledgments or any other section of a manuscript, Wiley will assume that the author wants the manuscript deposited into PMC, unless the author states otherwise. The author can communicate this via email, or a note in the manuscript. The version of the manuscript that Wiley sends to PMC will be the accepted version; for example, the version that the journal’s Editor-in-Chief sends to Wiley for publication. Wiley will notify the author when the manuscript has been sent to PMC. Wiley reserves the right to change or rescind this policy. For further information, please get in touch with your editorial contact at Wiley, or see the NIH Policy on Public Access, located at https://publicaccess.nih.gov/policy.htm.

Review and Publication We strive for speedy review and rapid publication of accepted papers. On the average, the first decision on a submitted manuscript occurs within about 4 weeks of initial submission. Publication online occurs about 6–8 weeks after acceptance and in print copy within 2 months. Manuscripts requiring revisions must be resubmitted within three months of the decision date, to be considered as a revised manuscript rather than as a new manuscript requiring full review.


Anatomical Sciences Education adheres to the policies regarding the treatment of human participants endorsed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (http://www.icmje.org/). Research carried out on human participants must be in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/). Therefore for any research studies or evaluations involving human participants (including students, residents, fellows and faculty members), authors need to provide information regarding ethical approval for the research presented in the manuscript. A statement to this effect must be incorporated into the ‘‘Materials and Methods’’ section and should include the name of the approving committee (e.g., Institutional Review Board, Ethics Committee on Human Research, etc.), the name of the institution at which approval was granted and a reference number where appropriate. At many institutions in the United States, a decision of ‘‘exempt’’ is made by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or by an individual designated by the institution.


Research Report. These can be of any length, ranging from short communications to comprehensive studies. The text of the manuscript should be organized with an introduction, material and methods, results, discussion (containing limitation to the study), conclusions, and literature cited section. The Abstract and Notes on Contributors sections are required.

Descriptive Articles. Descriptive articles cover topics of general interest and concern to educators in the anatomical sciences. Such topics include descriptions of innovative programs, advances in educational technologies and discussions of activities affecting anatomical sciences education. The text of these articles should include an introduction, a description and a discussion. Descriptive articles are typically 4 to 6 journal pages (950 words per page) in length. The Abstract and Notes on Contributors sections are required.

Relevant Reviews.These can be short perspective-type reviews or longer comprehensive systematic reviews generally ranging from 3 to 15 journal pages (950 words per page). The text of the review should be organized appropriately for the topic and include introduction, short perspectives (conclusions) or future directions section at the end. The Abstract and Notes on Contributors sections are required.

Short Communications. These can be in the form of a descriptive article or a research report and typically is 2 to 4 journal pages (950 words per page) in length. The text of these manuscripts should be organized appropriately and follow research report or descriptive article templates. The Abstract and Notes on Contributors sections are required.

Viewpoint Commentaries. These are opinion pieces about issues that directly affect or influence anatomical sciences education. The text of these pieces should be organized appropriately for the topic and their length should be 1 to 3 journal pages (950 words per page).

Editorials. These typically consist of 1 to 2 journal pages (950 words per page) and usually do not have subheadings. The Abstract and Notes on Contributors sections are not required.

Letters to the Editor. These can be written as responses to articles published in the journal, replies to other letters, or to discuss issues of importance to anatomical sciences education. These letters are typically 1 to 2 journal page in length (950 words per page) and do not have subheadings, figures, or tables. The Abstract and Notes on Contributors sections are not required.






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