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Folia Biologica (Kraków)(或:FOLIA BIOLOGICA-KRAKOW)《生物学报(克拉沃克)》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/10/19 10:44:34 来源:官网信息 阅读:321 发布者:

Folia Biologica (Kraków) – Instructions for Authors

1. FOLIA BIOLOGICA (Kraków) is published by the Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Contact details:

Editorial Office of Folia Biologica (Kraków)

Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals

Polish Academy of Sciences

Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków, Poland

E-mail address: folia@isez.pan.krakow.pl

Tel. (48) (12) 422 19 01 int. 41 or 48 Fax (48) (12) 422 42 94

Webpage address: http://www.isez.pan.krakow.pl/en/folia-biologica.html


Folia Biologica (Kraków) is an international Open Access electronic journal accepting original scientific articles, not previously published or simultaneously submitted to any other journal, on various aspects of zoology: phylogeny, genetics, chromosomal studies, ecology, biogeography, experimental zoology and ultrastructural studies. The language of publication is English. Contributions may have the form of reviews, research articles and short communications. Manuscripts are submitted to external referees for review: a single-anonymous (single-blind) procedure of review is applied.


Since 2021 there is no submission or publishing fee in Folia Biologica (Kraków).


All materials should be delivered via the Editorial System available at: https://www.editorialsystem.com/fbiolkr

Upon acceptance of the manuscript authors are required to sign publishing contract.



Authors should submit their texts saved as MS Word documents (Doc, Docx) or Rich Text Format (RTF). Please type the manuscript in Times New Roman font (12 point), line spacing 1.5. Use tab commands, not spaces, for paragraph indents. The international Code of Zoological Nomenclature, when appropriate, should be strictly followed. Names of genera and species (but not those of suprageneric taxa) should be written in italics. SI units and their proper symbols must be used. Papers should contain maximum density of information compatible with clarity and consistency in style and spelling. It is suggested that authors whose English is not native should consult their manuscript before submission with a person with good proficiency of the language. After all scientific corrections are completed and accepted, each manuscript undergoes obligatory English language correction unless there is an English native-speaking author.

TITLE PAGE of the manuscript (metadata required in the Editorial System):

(a) the title, concise, but well phrased and informative (all nouns and verbs should start with a capital letter);

(b) the full name(s) of the author(s) accompanied by their ORCID iD, corresponding author should be indicated;

(c) the full affiliations of all authors (name(s) and addresses of the institution(s));

(d) a short running title (not exceeding 10 words);

(e) an abstract (a summary of the most important results, the entire abstract should not exceed 300 words;

(f) key words (3-8 words should be given).

MAIN BODY of the manuscript:

(a) INTRODUCTION should be as brief as possible and state the purpose of the work in relation to other work done in the same field.

(b) MATERIAL AND METHODS should provide enough information to permit repetition of the experiments.

In case of projects carried out on vertebrates or protected species of invertebrates it is required to submit a copy of the National or the Local Ethics Committee permission and its date and number should be given at the beginning of the Material and Methods section.

(c) RESULTS should be presented as concisely as possible, with tables and figures properly cited in the text.

(d) DISCUSSION should not recapitulate the results but deal mainly with their interpretation. Therefore, it is often advantageous to combine the Results and Discussion in one section.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATIONS IN THE TEXT. Citations from the literature in the text should be cited in one of the following forms: “DEUCHAR (1984) observed that...”, or “It was observed that... (GROZEVA & NOKKALA 2001)” or "GROZEVA and NOKKALA (2001) observed that…". When a quotation has more than two authors the formula: SMITH et al. (1989) or (SMITH et al. 1989) should be used. The convention (GREEN 1979a) and (GREEN 1979b) should be applied when more than one paper of the same author(s) has appeared in one year. Please note that all names should be written in capital letters and multiple citations inside the same set of parentheses should be listed chronologically.

(e) REFERENCES should be listed alphabetically according to the surname of the (first) author, using the following order of items: name(s) of author(s), year of publication, full title of article, journal title (abbreviated in accordance with the “Biological Journals and Abbreviations” https://home.ncifcrf.gov/research/bja/), number of volume and first and last page numbers, full DOI link (whenever applicable).

For books: name(s) of author(s), year of publication, title of the chapter, book title, volume number (if applicable), name(s) of editor(s), name of the publisher(s) and place(s) of publication, first and last page numbers.

Please refer to the following examples:

DYRCZ H., TRZEBICKI K.W. 1998. Triploid progeny of water frogs (Rana esculenta complex). Folia Biol. (Kraków) 36: 237-245.

POGGIO M.G., DI IORIO O., TURIENZO P., PAPESCHI A.G., BRESSA M.J. 2014. Heterochromatin characterization and ribosomal gene location in two monotypic genera of bloodsucker bugs (Cimicidae, Heteroptera) with holokinetic chromosomes and achiasmatic. Bull. Entomol. Res. 104: 788-793. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007485314000650

HEMING B.S. 2003. Insect Development and Evolution. Cornell University Press, USA. Pp. xv+444.

SONNEBORN T.M. 1974. Paramecium aurelia. (In: Handbook of Genetics. R.C. KING ed. Plenum, New York): 490-594.

OTTE D., EADES D.C., NASKRECKI P. 2004. Orthoptera Species. File Online (version 2.1.) http://osf2x.orthoptera.org/osf2.2/OSF2X2Frameset.htm (last accessed on 10 March 2004).

SONG L., TUAN R.S. 2004. Transdifferentiation potential of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow. The FASEB Journal. http://doi.org/10.1096/fj.03-1100fje (Published online April 14, 2004)

NEGRI I., FRANCHINI A., MANDRIOLI M., MAZZOGLIO P.J., ALMA A. 2007. The gonads of Zyginidia pullula males feminized by Wolbachia pipientis (Rickettsiales). Extended Abstracts, Fourth European Hemiptera Congress, Ivrea (Turin, Italy), 10-14 September 2007.

Unpublished theses should be cited as follows:

GRZYWACZ B. 2009. Phylogeny of Isophya species (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) based on molecular data. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals PAS, Kraków, pp. 66.

In case of papers written in other languages than English (e.g. in Polish or in alphabets using Cyrillic script) reference should include both original and translated title and appropriate remark at the end (e.g. In Polish; In Polish with English abstract). In case of papers written in Cyrillic original references should be given in UN1987: GOST 1983 or British Standard transliteration.

KRUPA W., SOŁTYS L., BUDZYŃSKA M., SAPAŁA M., KAMIENIAK J., BUDZYŃSKI M. 2006. Ocena składu mineralnego sierści klaczy czystej krwi arabskiej z uwzględnieniem linii genealogicznych [Assessment of mineral content in Purebred Arabian mares’ hair considering genealogical lines]. Ann. UMCS sect. EE 24: 209-216. (In Polish with English summary).

(f) TABLES prepared as Word documents should be submitted as separate files and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Headings and explanations should be comprehensive without reference to the text. Tables should be cited in the text as follows: Table 1.

(g) FIGURES should be clearly referred to in the text, numbered with Arabic numerals in the lower left corner in the order of their appearance in the text, and cited as follows: Fig. 1, Figs 1-3. Each figure should be accompanied by a self-explanatory descriptive legend. The author is obliged to support copyright permission for illustrations published elsewhere if they are to be reproduced in the same or similar form.

Figures should be sized to fit within the available space (a single column 82 x 250 mm or the whole page 170 x 250 mm). Multi-paneled figures must have all panels assembled into one piece and supplied as one file. The thickness of lines and size of letters or symbols should be adjusted so that they will be legible after reproduction. Please use the same font (typeface Times New Roman, preferably) throughout the figure. In case of photographs or microscopic drawings scale bars should be placed on figures. All figures should be submitted as separate files, saved in JPEG or TIFF format of 300-600 dpi resolution.


Any supplementary material (tables, plates, figures etc.) requires particularly careful preparation as it will not be subjected to computer typesetting and will be published online free of charge in the form directly as submitted by the authors. Supplementary material may be prepared in PDF (preferably), Word, Excel or JPEG format and should be accompanied by separate references (if any).

Manuscripts deviating from the required form will be returned for revision. Careful preparation of manuscript will aid prompt publication; carelessness will cause delay.


Page proofs will be available to authors as PDF files. They should be returned to the Editor as soon as possible and not later than 72 hours via the Editorial System.



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