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2021/8/19 14:33:33 来源:官网信息 阅读:522 发布者:

Biomolecules & Therapeutics

Instructions to Authors

All submitted manuscripts should contain original research not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. All materials submitted will be subjected to review by appropriate referees selected by the Editorial office. The Editors reserve the right to improve the grammar and style of manuscripts. The corresponding author is responsible on behalf of all authors for the submission. Papers must be written in English.

Scope of Submitted Manuscript

Biomolecules & Therapeutics is an international journal for publication of original research and reviews on the interactions between bioactive molecules and biological systems. Biomolecules & Therapeutics is dedicated to experimental therapeutics, especially focused on the discovery of innovative drug targets and novel pharmacophores. Biomolecules & Therapeutics encourages submissions in the fields of genetic, biochemical, cellular, behavioral, and physiological pharmacology and toxicology, if these studies are associated with mechanisms of action of drugs or potential drug candidates. Studies based on experiments performed with extracts of natural sources (i.e. plant, animal, microbe) will not be accepted for publication unless the chemical profiles, specifications, and concentrations of the extracts are clearly defined.

Type of Manuscript

1. Research articles:

Articles cover full reports of research work that must be written according to the guidelines described (Organization of the Manuscript) with the minimum length for a precise description and clear interpretation of experimental work.

2. Reviews:

Biomolecules & Therapeutics publishes focused reviews on important or emerging topics related to the fields of drug discovery and new therapeutics.

3. Errata:

The erratum provides a means of correcting errors that occurred during the writing, typing, editing, or printing of a published paper.

Submission of Manuscript

A new manuscript should be submitted electronically (via online) in the e-submission section of the journal's homepage (http://www.biomolther.org). The cover letter should contain contact information for the submitting author (address, zip code, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address), and information about the authors and the manuscript. A list of potential suggested and/or excluded reviewers can be included in the cover letter, although such a list is not required. This letter should be submitted in a separate file. The text should be prepared using a Microsoft Word file. Please submit the figures in one PDF file (.pdf ) and the text in another Word file for the review process. Supplemental data can be uploaded as a separate file. Following acceptance of a manuscript, authors should upload a high quality digital file (saved as EPS, TIFF, or PPT files) containing the final version of figures via the online submission system. If the memory size of digital files exceeds the capacity of the online submission system, authors should submit them to the office via E-mail, or provide a CD or a USB by regular mail. If authors do not provide electronic figure files, publication will be delayed.

Authors should address all queries and correspondence about their submission to the Editorial Office, the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology, Rm 402, 27, Seochojungang-ro 20-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06634, Republic of Korea. (Tel, +82-2-565- 2167, Fax, +82-2-584-2167, E-mail, editor@biomolther.org).






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