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2021/8/19 10:26:14 来源:官网信息 阅读:320 发布者:

ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies

For Authors

Journal Information

Manuscript Submission Site: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/assay

Editorial Office Contact: assay_eo@liebertpub.com

Support Contact: prosupport@liebertpub.com

Journal Model: Hybrid (Open Access Option)

Blinding: Single Blind

File formatting requirement stage: On revision. Format neutral on original submission.

Instant Online Option (immediate publication of accepted version): No

Average time to initial decison: 31 days

About the Journal

ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies focuses on early-stage screening techniques and tools that optimize the identification of novel leads and targets for new drug development, running the spectrum from nanotechnology through cellular imaging. Case studies are presented, and technology applications are extensive. Articles published in ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies emphasize methodologies and technologies to accelerate drug discovery.

Included topics are: State-of-the-art research, methods, materials, and protocols in assay design and target development; High throughput screening; High throughput chemistry; Lab automation; Data analysis and information management; Microplate standards; Screen design and advanced technology; Protein structure and function; Compound library generation; Bioinformatics and data mining; Validation strategies; Biosensors; Detection technologies; Miniaturization and nanotechnology; Protein–protein interaction as novel drug targets; Novel screening methods with high information content; Metabolically engineered cells and organisms; Imaging technologies for live cells, tissues, and small animals; and Virtual screening.

Manuscripts submitted to this Journal must not be under consideration elsewhere.

Manuscript Types and Guidelines

Original Article

3,000-word limit

Unstructured abstract of no more than 250 words

Maximum total of eight (8) figures and/or tables

Protocol Table is required


Review Articles

8,000-word limit

Unstructured abstract of no more than 250 words

Maximum total of ten (10) figures and/or tables



1,500-word limit

Unstructured abstract of no more than 100 words

An Introduction and a Conclusion are mandatory

Maximum total of three (3) figures and/or tables

Maximum of 25 references



1,000-word limit

No abstract

No figures or tables

Maximum of 10 references


Letter to the Editor

500-word limit

No abstract

May include one figure OR table

Reference citations are identical in style to those of full original articles, but should not exceed five (5).

Word limits do NOT pertain to the abstract, disclosure statements, author contribution statements, funding information, acknowledgments, tables, figure legends, or references.

ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies welcomes format-neutral manuscripts for first-time submissions. Newly submitted manuscripts will not be un-submitted for formatting issues.  However, after the initial peer review process, revised submissions must follow correct journal formatting and file guidelines, as described below in the Instructions for Authors. Please note that there are certain compulsory elements (ie: IRB approvals, author disclosures, etc.) for all new submissions. Manuscripts submitted without this information will be un-submitted and the submitting author will be asked to add the required components.






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