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Transplantation and Cellular Therapy《移植与细胞治疗》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/8/13 18:03:29 来源:官网信息 阅读:723 发布者:

Guide for Authors

Beginning in 2021, BBMT will formally change its name to Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. We are also excited to announce that we will be changing the print format of the journal to give our readers the most up to date, exciting research in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Regular articles (i.e. Original Research articles) will now only print an extended, structured abstract. Editorials, Brief articles, Letters, Review articles, Clinical Reviews, ASTCT Publications and Guidelines, the Featured Article and corresponding Bottom Line articles will continue to print in full and do not require an extended, structured abstract. ALL articles will appear in full, in the online version of the journal on ScienceDirect.

Extended abstracts will publish for all "regular" articles, i.e. regular manuscripts and rapid publications. These extended abstracts will publish in print and online – the rest of the full manuscript will publish online-only. For more information on structured abstracts please click here.

Regular abstracts will be acceptable for review articles, clinical reviews, editorials, letters (if abstracts are necessary for the article type) – full manuscripts will publish in print and online.

Your Paper Your Way

We now differentiate between the requirements for new and revised submissions. You may choose to submit your manuscript as a single Word or PDF file to be used in the refereeing process. Only when your paper is at the revision stage, will you be requested to put your paper in to a 'correct format' for acceptance and provide the items required for the publication of your article.

To find out more, please visit the Preparation section below.

Categories of manuscripts

Brief Articles. Reserved for cutting edge early studies that would highly impact the field. Manuscripts in this category are in the same format as a Regular Article, but are generally less than 20 total manuscript pages in length (double-spaced) and have three or less figures or tables.

Regular Manuscripts. Manuscripts submitted in this category are expected to be concise, well organized, and clearly written. Acceptance is based on originality and importance to the field of transplantation and cellular therapy. These manuscripts are reviewed by two or more experts in the field, and detailed comments from the reviewers are generally returned to the authors. Manuscripts requiring extensive revision will be at a disadvantage for publication. Manuscripts are submitted with the understanding that they are original contributions and do not contain data that have been published elsewhere, including symposia volumes, etc. Meeting abstracts do not constitute prior publication. A structured abstract is required.

Rapid Publications. Definitive papers of exceptional scientific importance within the discipline of transplantation and cellular therapy will be considered for expedited review and publication. Consideration as a Rapid Publication must be requested at the time of submission by the authors and requires approval by the Editorial Board. Papers that the Editors decide not to process as Rapid Publications will be handled as regular manuscripts unless the authors choose to have them returned without further review. Criteria for selection as Rapid Publications include originality, importance, and the potential value of accelerated publication to the readers of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. Decisions on these manuscripts will be made within four weeks of receipt and in general will not be accompanied by detailed reviewers' comments. Although there is no page limit for manuscripts in this category, clear and concise presentation of data is required. Manuscripts requiring extensive revisions or editing will be at a disadvantage for publication in this category. Case reports, methods papers, or preliminary studies should not be submitted for consideration as Rapid Publications.A structured abstract is required.

Review Articles. Review articles on topics of broad interest are highly desired and may be solicited by the Editor-in-Chief. Individuals who wish to write a review article should correspond with the Editor in Chief regarding the appropriateness of the proposed topic. Such articles are expected to be thorough and detailed and should include appropriate references to the literature. The addition of tables and figures to summarize critical points is encouraged. These articles are reviewed by the Editors and other expert reviewers before a final decision regarding publication is made, and revisions may be required. Review articles should be limited to no more than 5,000 words (exclusive of references)and no more than 80 references.






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