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分子植物(英文版)(Molecular plant)(原:植物生理与分子生物学学报) (官网投稿)

《分子植物(英文版)》(Molecular plant)(月刊),2015年更为现刊名,是由中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所与中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会共同主办的英文期刊。多年来,始终坚持论文质量“第一”的方针,致力于发表植物科学领域具有创新性的重要研究成果,围绕期刊品牌建设和国际影响力提升不懈努力,逐步发展成为国际植物科学领域的顶级学术期刊之一,为我国植物科学研究成果走向国际做出了重要贡献,提升了我国科技...[显示全部]
本刊为:SCIE(2023版), CSCD核心(2023-2024), 科技核心(2023自然科学), 高质量科技期刊(T1), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(万方), 目次收录(知网),第一批认定学术期刊,外文期刊,


















Information for authors

Established in 2008, Molecular Plant is dedicated to serving the global plant science community by publishing novel and exciting findings with high significance. The journal focuses broadly on cellular biology, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, development, plant-microbe interaction, genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular evolution. All contents published in Molecular Plant are freely available starting 12 months after publication.

Editorial process

Molecular Plant uses single-blind peer review. All submissions are initially evaluated by professional scientific editors in consultation with editorial board members when necessary. Submissions that are deemed not appropriate for publication in Molecular Plant after initial evaluations will be returned to authors without external reviews, typically within 7 working days, so that submission elsewhere will not be delayed. Manuscripts selected for external reviews will be typically handled by professional scientific editors and evaluated by three reviewers for each research manuscript. Editors will make every effort to ensure timely reviews and generate an editorial decision typically within 4 to 5 weeks of manuscript receipt.

If publication is contingent on a revision, the handling editor will evaluate the reviewers' comments and provide specific guidance on the revision. In general, 1 month will be given to manuscripts that require minor revisions and 3 months for those that require major revisions. Molecular Plant allows only two rounds of submissions for any manuscripts that require revisions.

The same editor and reviewers who reviewed the previous version will typically evaluate resubmitted versions of previously rejected manuscripts. However, in some cases, the editor may find it appropriate or necessary to recruit new reviewers. There is no time limit for resubmission, but any conceptual advance and significance are evaluated based on the literature available on the day of the final decision, not the day of submission.

Typically, accepted papers will be published online within 5–10 days and in print within 3 months after acceptance. Any major changes after acceptance are subject to review and may delay publication.

Presubmission inquiries

Molecular Plant welcomes authors to send presubmission inquiries regarding suitability of their manuscripts. For research or review articles, such inquiries should include a significance statement of the research or review paper, plus a title page containing author information, abstract, and key figures (with legends) of the manuscript. For other short-format papers, presubmission inquiries should include the full paper. All presubmission inquiries should be sent to mplant@sibs.ac.cn.

Status inquiries

Once submitted, the status of a manuscript will be indicated as “Under review” soon after the initial format check until a decision is made on this paper. All inquiries on review status of a submission should be directed to staff-mplant@sibs.ac.cn.

Transfer of papers between Cell Press journals and Molecular Plant

Although each journal published by Cell Press is editorially independent, we have been using Editorial Manager, a manuscript tracking system that allows authors to transfer manuscripts along with any review comments they may have between Molecular Plant and Plant Communications. Should you have any questions about the suitability of your paper for transfer, please contact the e-mail address of the receiving journal. Often, the receiving journal will be able to reach a decision based on the existing reviews. Occasionally, the receiving journal may seek comments from additional reviewers. When you use Editorial Manager to transfer your paper, you will have a chance to edit your files before they are sent to the receiving journal. You can always submit your paper to one of the journals without mentioning the first review process. In this case, the manuscript will be evaluated as a regular new submission. If you are interested in transferring manuscripts from other Cell Press journals to Molecular Plant, please contact the journal directly at mplant@sibs.ac.cn.




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