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Cirugía y Cirujanos(或:CIRUGIA Y CIRUJANOS)《外科与外科医生》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称CIR CIR
  • 参考译名《外科与外科医生》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率10.80%
  • 主要研究方向医学-SURGERY外科



Cirugía y Cirujanos《外科与外科医生》(双月刊). Cirugía y Cirujanos is the official journal of the Mexican Academy of Surgery. This institution ...[显示全部]












Instrucciones para autores / Instructions for authors

The journal Cirugía y Cirujanos is the Official Organ of the Mexican Academy of Surgery. Its spaces are open to scholars, as well as all members of the medical community expressing interest in using this forum to publish their work, in compliance with the editorial policies mentioned below.

Cirugía y Cirujanos is published six times a year and receives original manuscripts which, upon being accepted by the Editorial Committee, cannot be published partially or in full elsewhere without the consent of Cirugía y Cirujanos. All works submitted must adhere to the format described below and will be subject to review by experts and the Editorial Committee to determine their acceptance.

The main purpose of Cirugía y Cirujanos is to publish original works from the broad field of medicine, as well as provide up-to-date and relevant information to the national health area.

To this end, Cirugía y Cirujanos will consider contributions in the following sections:

Editorial (only by invitation)

Original article

Review article

Clinical case

Letter to the editor

Manuscripts must be uploaded in electronic form through the new editorial system at http://publisher.cirugiaycirujanos.permanyer.com, where the author for correspondence should register as the author of the article. Once this author has obtained an username and password, the documents should be uploaded following the instructions.

All articles must include, without exception, title, name and surname(s) of each author (without titles or positions), affiliation, name and address of the correspondence author, the complete manuscript text, tables and figures. Texts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. All manuscripts must be correctly written in English or Spanish. The text must be typed, double spaced in Times New Roman 12 font and with each section starting on a new page: front page, English and Spanish summaries with their key words, main text body, references, tables and figures footnotes. Beginning with the front page, the pages will be numbered consecutively, and the number will be placed on the top of every page.

Original articles, review articles, report cases and articles regarding methods and techniques in Radiology should include a first page with all personal data, a full manuscript file completely anonymous and the declarations of conflict of interest, funding and ethical responsibilities that the author can fill in electronically when submitting the article.

The front page must show the title of the work in Spanish and English and a short title with less than 40 characters (counting letters and spaces); the authors' names (without titles or academic degrees); their institution of registration (affiliations); email address and full name of the corresponding author; acknowledgments and the funding if exists.

The full manuscript file should be completely anonymous and include the summary in Spanish and in English, the full text of the manuscript, references, tables and figures footnotes.

For more information about manuscript preparation, we suggest consulting the website of Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (www.icmje.org). For further details: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/manuscript-preparation/preparing-for-submission.html).

Summary in Spanish

This summary will be presented in a maximum of 200 words, indicating the purpose of the research; basic procedures (sample selection, observational and analytical methods); main findings (specific data and, if possible, their statistical significance); as well as relevant conclusions and originality of the research. At the end, 3 to 6 keywords will be entered to facilitate inclusion in international indexes. We recommend using the terms from the Medical Subject Headings of the most recent Index Medicus.

Summary in English

This summary will be presented in a maximum of 200 words, using the same characteristics of the Spanish summary. It will begin with an English language version of the title. It will also contain 3 to 6 keywords. To ensure quality, we suggest having this paragraph reviewed by an experienced translator.


It must include background information, approach to the problem and purpose of the study, all clearly worded and well supported by the bibliography reviewed.




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