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龙华中医学(英文)(Longhua Chinese Medicine)(国际刊号)(不收版面费) (官网投稿)

《龙华中医学(英文)》(Longhua Chinese Medicine)(季刊),创刊于2017年,由上海中医药大学附属龙华医院与AME出版公司携手共创LCM杂志。LCM专注于中医药领域的基础、转化和临床研究,致力于打造中医药领域国际学术交流平台,并立志把LCM打造成一份具有国际影响力的、权威的中医药学术刊物,以学术为支点,助推中医药走向世界,助力“一带一路”倡议。












Longhua Chinese Medicine


龙华医院携手AME出版公司共创《Longhua Chinese Medicine》英文国际学术期刊




Longhua Chinese Medicine



Guidelines for Authors

Thank you for your interest in Longhua Chinese Medicine (ISSN 2616-2806; Longhua Chin Med; LCM). LCM adheres to the ICMJE’s Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals (1), COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (2), and WAME’s policy (3) for generating this author instruction. Please refer to the following guidelines to help you prepare your manuscript. Feel free to contact the editorial office by email (lcm@amegroups.com) should you have any questions. To ensure a swift peer review and publication process, manuscripts that do not adhere to the following instructions will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revision at the preliminary review. The author instruction is updated on April 10, 2024.


Longhua Chinese Medicine (ISSN 2616-2806; LCM; Longhua Chin Med; lcm.amegroups.com; lcm.amegroups.org) is an international, open access journal that focuses on international cutting-edge information on basic, translational, and clinical research in traditional medicine. The stance of LCM is adhering to the integration of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine: Inheritance of Chinese Medicine. Areas of particular interests include: acupuncture and moxibustion, integrative medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, herbal medicine, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, etc. The editors encourage contributions relevant to indigenous medical practices, therapeutic procedures, medicinal plants, traditional medical theories and concepts, pharmacology, healthcare, education, etc.

The Journal publishes a range of article types including: Review Articles, Original Articles, Clinical Trials, Case Reports, Editorials, Technical Notes and etc.

Longhua Chinese Medicine is the Official Publication of LongHua Hospital Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Under the cooperation with Longhua Hospital, LCM looks up to a far-reaching goal of becoming an authoritative and internationally influential journal, and promotes Chinese Medicine to the world and beyond. The high quality of its content is assured by a rigorous review process, supervised by a strong editorial board.

Founded in July 1960, Longhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the four earliest built TCM clinical centers in China. Over 50 years, Longhua Hospital has been dedicated to the development of TCM and is known as nationwide for outstanding patient care provided by its physicians and staff. With the distinguishing feature and prominent advantage of TCM, Longhua Hospital serves as a famous Traditional Chinese Medical center that combines health care, education, and scientific research. For more information, please visit the official website of the hospital: http://www.longhua.net/lh_web/html/DefaultSite/lhyy_English/List/index.htm.

For more about our journal, please see: https://lcm.amegroups.org/about




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