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中国国际评论(英文)(Chinese Journal of International Review)(国际刊号) (Email投稿)

《中国国际评论(英文)》(Chinese Journal of International Review)(季刊),创刊于2019年,由上海外国语大学国际关系与公共事务学院主办的英文期刊。该期刊由我校国际关系与公共事务学院院长郭树勇教授担任主编,由国际关系与公共事务学院郝诗楠博士与王凯博士分别担任编辑部主任与执行编辑。期刊是上外学术成果“走出去”的新平台,也是学校政治学学科参与“双一流”建设方案的...[显示全部]
本刊为:AMI入库国际刊(2022版) , 外文期刊,匿名审稿,














英文期刊CJIR(印刷版ISSN刊号:2630-5313、在线版ISSN刊号: 2630-5321)创刊于2019年,至今已通过开放获取形式(Open Access)由新加坡世界科技出版集团连续出版五年。CJIR的主编为郭树勇教授,编辑部主任为郝诗楠副教授。期刊主要聚焦于全球治理、外交与区域国别(比较政治)等领域多元视角的研究。

CJIR自创刊伊始就高度重视期刊的学术质量与国际化建设,并邀请了美国弗罗里达大学的Allan Rosenbauum、英国牛津大学的Rosemary Foot、华威大学的Shaun Breslin、加拿大多伦多大学的John Kirton、荷兰莱顿大学的Anar Ahmadov、西班牙格兰纳达大学(目前全职在上外国关学院工作)的Carlos de CUETO以及俄罗斯高等经济大学的Marina Larionova等国际知名学者担任编委。目前,期刊正在进行半年刊向季刊改版的前期准备工作,预计在2024年正式改版为季刊。CJIR严格遵循国际通行的同行双盲评审制度(double-blinded peer review),欢迎国内外学者踊跃投稿。




Chinese Journal of International Review



Submission Guidelines

Chinese Journal of International Review (CJIR) is an open access journal on international studies. We welcome manuscripts from scholars and practitioners worldwide that engage with either policy-relevant or theory-oriented research in international studies. CJIR includes Research Articles, Review Articles, Book Reviews and Commentaries on international relations theory, research methodology and policy analysis.

Manuscripts should be written in English. They can be research papers or review articles that are related to fields of interest of the journal, approximately 5,000 words in length, and book reviews about 2,000 to words in length.

We accept electronic manuscripts in MS-Word format with all text, tables, figures, and appendices in one file. Manuscripts should include the authors' names, addresses, affiliation(s), email addresses, abstracts of 200 to 300 words and up to 10 keywords.

Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication in other journals or has not been published anywhere before. Copyright of the papers, including the right of reproduction in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to CJIR. The transfer of copyright to CJIR shall take effect when the paper is accepted for publication.

From the first issue of 2018, all articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY-NC) Licence and are immediately freely available to read, download, and share. We adopt the double-blind review process to ensure the incisive and impartial analysis of the articles.

As part of our goal of disseminating knowledge, no payment is requested for publishing from article authors. Upon publication, authors will receive a PDF e-print of the final published version of their article for personal use.

Stylefiles and sample papers are available at http://www.worldscientific.com/page/authors/journal-stylefiles

For manuscript submission and other queries, please contact CJIR (cjir_submit@outlook.com).

Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in

MS-Word (ZIP files) (readme / Download)

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