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  • 参考译名《人类》
  • 核心类别 SSCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子0.157(2018年) 0.075(2017年) 0.224(2016年) 0.2(2015年) 0.127(2014年) 0.098(2013年) 0.113(2012年) 0.283(2011年)
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向ANTHROPOLOGY 人类学



ANTHROPOS《人类》(半年刊). Anthropos is the international journal of anthropology and linguistics, founded in 1906 by Wilhelm Schmidt. The tit...[显示全部]




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The following specifications should be taken into account in order to expedite the editorial process:

Submissions are considered for publication on the understanding that authors grant ANTHROPOS the exclusive right to publish them.

Texts should be delivered in the form that would require only minor editorial changes. ANTHROPOS reserves for itself the right to make editorial revisions, although no major changes will be introduced without the author’s approval. All texts will be peerreviewed and this process may last 4-6 weeks.

Manuscripts should be delivered electronically in WORD or (particularly if the text contains special characters) in PDF format.

Print copies, typed on one side only, will be also accepted. Double spacing is required for all materials, including quotations, references cited, notes, captions, and headings. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively. Book reviews should contain no footnotes and no bibliography.

All manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract (in English) of not more than 150 words and by relevant data about the author’s academic career and status (in the language of the article; not exceeding 100 words), as well as his/her most recent publications.

The abstract should end with a bracketed list of five or six index words or phrases.

References cited, abstract, tables, and illustrations should be sent as separate files.

Illustrative material (drawings, charts, diagrams, and photographs) should be submitted in a form suitable for publication.

Photographs (in JPG, PDF, or TIFF formats) should be of high quality, good contrast, and with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Proofs, sent to authors electronically in PDF format, should be returned in two weeks’ time. No major text alterations will be accepted at this stage. Certain changes and additions may also be disregarded at the discretion of the editor.

Authors of articles receive a complimentary copy of the journal as well as an electronic copy of their contribution for private use only. Reviewers obtain an electronic copy of their contribution (PDF).

Authors are therefore asked to provide their mailing address for the one-time distribution of the complimentary copies. The addresses will not be published.

References to publications should be included in the text, not in the footnotes. They should be given by the name of the author, the year of publication, and the number of the page, e.g.:

[…] as Sapir has noted (1921: 39) …

Sapir has already said: “All grammars leak”(1921: 39).

[…] the well-known maxim: “All grammars leak”(Sapir 1921: 39) …

The References Cited (Zitierte Literatur, Références citées) should be presented according to the following model:

Fowler, Catherine, and Joy Leland

1967 Some Northern Paiute Native Categories. Ethnology 6: 381–404.

Heesterman, J. C.

1957 The Ancient Indian Royal Consecration. s-Gravenhage: Mouton.

Heller, Monica S.

1982 Negotiations of Language Choice in Montreal. In: John J. Gumpertz (ed.), Language and Social Identity; pp. 108–118. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kelly, Isabel, et al.

1964 Southern Paiute Ethnography. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. (University of Utah Anthropological Papers, 69)

Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., and Daryll Forde (eds.)

1950 African Systems of Kinship and Marriage. London: Oxford University Press.

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