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SCREEN《银幕》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《银幕》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



SCREEN《银幕》(季刊)。Screen is the leading international journal of academic film and television studies. From video art to popular televisio...[显示全部]













Information for Authors

Please see the online submission instructions.

Crossref Funding Data Registry

In order to meet your funding requirements authors are required to name their funding sources, or state if there are none, during the submission process. For further information on this process or to find out more about CHORUS, visit the CHORUS initiative.

Please note: when submitting papers to Screen, authors should include with submitted material a brief biographical note, including institutional affiliation, and a 250-word abstract.

Manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words, excluding footnotes.

Important: Screen's editorial board does not offer pre-submission guidance, to allow editors to participate in the blind peer review of manuscripts. If you have queries before or during the submission process, please contact the editorial office. Do not contact individual Screen editors before, or during, the submission and peer review process. The only exception involves submissions to our reports and debates section, when initial enquiries may be sent to Professor Alastair Phillips.

Submission of a manuscript is taken by the Editors to imply that the paper represents original work not previously published, in print or online, and not under consideration for publication, elsewhere; and if accepted for publication that it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the consent of the Editors and Publisher. It is also assumed that the author will have obtained the necessary permissions to include in the paper copyright material such as illustrations, extended quotations, etc.

Screen does not accept unsolicited book reviews or conference reports.


Authors who have material published in Screen will receive one free copy of the journal issue free of charge. These can be claimed using the Oxford Journals Author Services site. Republication in an anthology or collection of an author's own work is freely permissible, with due credit to Screen. Republication otherwise requires the permission of Screen, the Publisher and the author.

Flexible Colour Option

Screen operates a Flexible Colour Option for all articles. All figures submitted to the journal in colour will be published in colour online at no cost (unless the author specifically requests that their figures be in black and white online). Authors may choose to also publish their figures in colour in the print journal for £350 per page; you will be asked to approve this cost in an e-mail when your proof is sent out. Colour figures must have a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch at their final size. You will be issued with an invoice at the time of publication. Orders from the UK will be subject to the current UK VAT charge. For orders from elsewhere in the EU you or your institution should account for VAT by way of a reverse charge. Please provide us with your or your institution's VAT number.

Notes and References

Notes and references, which should be kept to a minimum, should be on an automatic numbering system where possible, and appear at the end of the article, not at the foot of individual pages.

Style for citations of written sources is as follows:

Christian Metz, Psychoanalysis and Cinema: The Imaginary Signifier, trans. Celia Britton. Annwyl Williams, Ben Brewster and Alfred Guzzetti (London: Macmillan, 1982).

Ginette Vincendeau, 'Melodramatic realism: on some French women's films in the 1930s', Screen, vol. 30, no. 3 (1989), pp. 51-65.

Monika Treut, 'Female misbehaviour', in Laura Pietrapaolo and Ada Testaferri (eds), Feminisms in the Cinema (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1995), pp. 106-21.

References to films in both notes and main text should include full title with initial capitalisation according to accepted style of the language concerned. Titles should be italicised, and in the case of non-English language films original release title should precede US and/or British release title, followed by director and release date in round brackets:

A bout de souffle/Breathless (Jean-Luc Godard, 1960)

Where such information is relevant to the argument and does not appear elsewhere in the text, details of production company and/or country of origin may also be included:

The Big Sleep (Howard Hawks, Warner Bros, US, 1945).

References to television programmes should be dated from the year of first transmission, and, in the case of long-running serials, the duration of the run should be indicated. Details of production company, transmitting channel, country, may be supplied where they are relevant to the argument:

Coronation Street (Granada, 1961- )

Where writers or producers are credited their role should be indicated:

Where the Difference Begins (w. David Mercer, BBC, 1961).

Availability of Data and Materials

Where ethically feasible, Screen strongly encourages authors to make all data and software code on which the conclusions of the paper rely available to readers. We suggest that data be presented in the main manuscript or additional supporting files, or deposited in a public repository whenever possible. For information on general repositories for all data types, and a list of recommended repositories by subject area, please see Choosing where to archive your data.

Data Citation

Screen supports the Force 11 Data Citation Principles and requires that all publicly available datasets be fully referenced in the reference list with an accession number or unique identifier such as a digital object identifier (DOI). Data citations should include the minimum information recommended by DataCite:

 [dataset]* Authors, Year, Title, Publisher (repository or archive name), Identifier

*The inclusion of the [dataset] tag at the beginning of the citation helps us to correctly identify and tag the citation. This tag will be removed from the citation published in the reference list.

Preprint policy

Authors retain the right to make an Author’s Original Version (preprint) available through various channels, and this does not prevent submission to the journal. For further information see our Online Licensing, Copyright and Permissions policies. If accepted, the authors are required to update the status of any preprint, including your published paper’s DOI, as described on our Author Self-Archiving policy page.

Licence to Publish

It is a condition of publication in the journal that authors grant an exclusive licence to Screen. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. As part of the licence agreement, you may however reuse your material in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication and Oxford University Press as the Publisher.

Upon receipt of accepted manuscripts at Oxford Journals authors will be invited to complete an online copyright licence to publish form.

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