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  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向CLASSICS



MNEMOSYNE(双月刊)。Since its first appearance as a journal of textual criticism in 1852, Mnemosyne has secured a position as one ...[显示全部]















Since its first appearance as a journal of textual criticism in 1852, Mnemosyne (MNEM) has secured a position as one of the leading journals in its field worldwide. Mnemosyne welcomes contributions on any subject related to Greco-Roman Antiquity, including ancient history, philosophy and archaeology, provided that they have a clearly recognizable textual foundation. While Mnemosyne primarily features contributions written in English, submissions in French and German are also welcome.

Ethical and Legal Conditions

The publication of a manuscript in a peer-reviewed work is expected to follow standards of ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: authors, editors, and reviewers. Authors, editors, and reviewers should thoroughly acquaint themselves with Brill’s publication ethics, which may be downloaded here: brill.com/page/ethics/publication-ethics-cope-compliance.

Online Submission

Mnemosyne uses online submission only. Authors should submit their manuscript online via the Editorial Manager (EM) online submission system at: editorialmanager.com/mnem. First-time users of EM need to register first. Go to the website and click on the "Register Now" link in the login menu. Enter the information requested.

During registration, you can fill in your username and password. If you should forget your Username and Password, click on the "send login details" link in the login section, and enter your e-mail address exactly as you entered it when you registered. Your access codes will then be e-mailed to you.

Prior to submission, authors are encouraged to read the ‘Instructions for Authors’. When submitting via the website, you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files.

A revised document is uploaded the same way as the initial submission. The system automatically generates an electronic (PDF) proof, which is then used for reviewing purposes. All correspondence, including the editor’s request for revision and final decision, is sent by e-mail.

Double-blinded Peer Review

Mnemosyne uses a double-blind peer review system, which means that manuscript author(s) do not know who the reviewers are, and that reviewers do not know the names of the author(s). When you submit your article via Editorial Manager, you will be asked to submit a separate title page that includes the full title of the manuscript, the names and complete contact details of all authors, abstract, keywords, and any acknowledgement texts. This page will not be accessible to the referees. All other files  (manuscript, figures, tables, etc.) should not contain any information concerning author names, institutions, etc. The names of these files and the document properties should also be anonymised.

Contact Address

For any questions or problems relating to your manuscript please contact the Editorial Office at:

mnemosyne@hum.leidenuniv.nl. For questions about Editorial Manager, authors can also contact the Brill EM Support Department at: em@brill.com.

Submission Requirements

Type of Contribution

A contribution to Mnemosyne may be an article (approximately 4,000–max. 10,000 words) or a miscellaneum (up to approximately 4,000 words). This number of words includes footnotes, bibliography, etc.


The contribution should be written in English, French or German.

The author is responsible for correct use of the language chosen. Non-native speakers are obliged to have their contribution corrected by a native speaker. (Articles that do not meet the necessary linguistic standards will be rejected.)

Manuscript Structure

A contribution should be organized in the following order: title, author note, abstract (articles only), keywords (articles only), body text, bibliography.

The author note is to be added only in the final version once the submission has been accepted for publication. It follows the title.

Articles should be provided with an English abstract of max. 150 words, headed by Abstract, and with 2-6 English keywords for indexing purposes, headed by Keywords.

Below you will find examples of the correct formatting:

[Title; n.b. capitals for all headwords in English]

Changing the Topic

[Subtitle (optional)]

Topic Position in Ancient Greek Word Order


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  • 2021/5/13 19:21:03
    该刊是学界的权威刊物之一,博士期间有幸中过一篇。审稿、返修过程长达一年,录用后正式刊发又是一年,但看得出审稿人是真正的专家,批注50多条,切中要害,且整个流程系统可查,公开透明。投稿不问出身、学历、项目、帽子,只看质量和创新,录用后编辑发来邮件,甚至不知我只是一枚在读博士。 为了在这本“梦里的期刊”发文,一切的等待都是值得的。但我深知,若将文稿译成中文投向cssci诸刊,势必会极为坎坷,很可能因为各种原因无法录用。如今即将毕业,为了求学期间的唯一一项小小成果,来此留个纪念吧。
    SSCI-Accepted2021/10/21 15:52:46
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