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  • 参考译名《糖尿病医学》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.30%
  • 主要研究方向医学-ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM内分泌学与代谢



DIABETIC MEDICINE《糖尿病医学》(月刊)。The journal publishes a range of key information on all clinical aspects of diabetes mellitus, ranging fro...[显示全部]






5、官网电话:+44 1243 770266(编辑部)







Author Guidelines

Diabetic Medicine invites the following types of submission:

Research Articles

Original research articles that fit the aims and scope of the journal are its primary mode of communication. Original articles must include a structured abstract (maximum 250 words), should not exceed 3000 words of text and should be limited to 30 references (AMA style, see section 4). Qualitative research papers may consist of up to 4000 words and 30 references. Papers of less than 3000 words are also welcomed. We encourage the inclusion of supplementary materials in the form of underlying datasets, multimedia files or accompanying slide sets for online publication only.

For purposes of presentation only, accepted research articles are divided into the following sections:

Care Delivery


Educational and Psychological Aspects



Health Economics





Narrative Reviews and Systematic Reviews

The journal aims to publish concise, high-quality review articles of recent advances in diabetes research. Narrative review articles are usually solicited by the Editors but unsolicited reviews are welcome. All will undergo peer-review. Review articles must include a structured abstract (maximum 250 words), should not exceed 5,000 words of text and should be limited to 50 references (AMA style, see section 4). Use of illustrations and figures is encouraged. Any references over 50 should be included as supporting information and uploaded in a clearly labelled separate file. Any table over two pages in length should be included as supporting information.

Study Protocols

Diabetic Medicine now welcomes submission of study protocols. Manuscripts must include a structured abstract (maximum 250 words), should not exceed 3,000 words of text and should be limited to 30 references (AMA style, see section 4). Inclusion of supplementary materials in the form of underlying datasets, multimedia files or accompanying slide sets is encouraged. For study protocols of health care interventions, the last section of the abstract should be Trial Registration: listing the trial registry and the unique identifying number, e.g. Trial Registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN73824458. Please note there should be no space between the letters and numbers of the trial registration number. The trial registers that currently meet all of the ICMJE guidelines can be found at http://www.icmje.org . Publishing your study protocol in Diabetic Medicine does not commit you to submitting subsequent reports of the study to us, although we do, of course, welcome such submissions.

Clinical Conundrums

Diabetic Medicine now welcomes submission of clinical conundrums, which should cover interesting or unusual cases and be of educational value to clinicians. Case including high quality, colour images are particularly welcome. All cases and images should be accompanied by an introductory text, not exceeding 100 words, providing the context to the case and image, where relevant. This should be followed by up to three questions about case and image, where relevant. Authors should then provide the answers in a new section and end with two to three learning points (up to 400 words).


Items of correspondence may be in response to issues arising from recently published articles (less than 6 months since print publication), or short, free-standing pieces expressing an opinion. Letters should be formatted in one continuous section and should not exceed 800 words, 1 figure/table and 10 references. No abstract is required. Please give the name(s) and affiliation(s) of authors at the end of the letter. All letters are subject to peer-review.


Commentaries provide expert opinion to hot topics. Whilst typically commissioned by the Editors, unsolicited submissions are welcome. Commentaries should not exceed 1,000 words and 10 references (AMA style, see section 4). No abstracts are required.

Fast Track System

We offer a fast track system for papers deemed to be a priority for publication, which aims to provide a more rapid option through the peer review, copyediting and production processes, while maintaining the journal’s high standards of quality. Please inform the Editorial Office if you believe that your paper qualifies for the fast track system, for example to arrange a simultaneous journal publication and conference presentation, but please note approval is at the discretion of Editorial staff. This service will not slow the standard prompt service provided by the journal.


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