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日用化学品科学(英文版)(China Detergent & Cosmetics) (Email投稿)

《日用化学品科学(英文版)》(China Detergent & Cosmetics)(季刊),创刊于2016年,是由中国轻工集团有限公司主管,中国日用化学工业研究院主办的中国第一本专业报道国内日化行业状况的英文期刊,主要面向海外发行。主要栏目有News Digest,Industry,Markets,Regulations,Technologies等,重点展示中国日用化学工业领域的科研成果和行情...[显示全部]
本刊为:维普收录, 万方收录, 知网收录,外文期刊,












CHINA DETERGENT & COSMETICS(简称CDC)创刊于2016年,是由中国轻工集团有限公司主管,中国日用化学工业研究院主办的中国第一本专业报道国内日化行业状况的英文期刊,主要面向海外发行。CDC主要栏目有News DigestIndustryMarketsRegulationsTechnologies等,重点展示中国日用化学工业领域的科研成果和行情动态,同时介绍全球日化行业的先进技术成果及市场发展状况,具体报道范围包括: 原料、专用添加剂(如香精香料); 护肤、彩妆、香水、美妆工具等;牙膏、牙刷、牙线、漱口水等;沐浴类、洗发水、护发素、剃须类等;洗衣液、洗衣凝珠、洗衣片、柔顺剂等;餐洗、油烟净、洁厕净、地板清洗剂、空气清新剂等;消毒类产品;包装设计、包材等。CDC填补了中国日化领域无英文版专业期刊的空白,是进行中外交流展示的绝佳平台。

CDC国内统一连续出版物号为CN 14-1382/TS,国际标准连续出版物号为ISSN 2096-0700,全年4期,每季月末28日出版发行,国内邮发代号82-377,国外发行代号C9258CDC编校、印刷质量符合相关出版管理规定和行业标准,坚持精编精校精印,内容品牌具备较好的国际传播力和影响力,被知网、万方及维普数据库收录。








China Detergent & Cosmetics (CDC) invites you to submit your research paper for publishing in our journal.


CDC is a quarterly international magazine focusing on research and development in soaps,detergents,cosmetics,toiletries,flavors and fragrances and other related chemicals.CDC is published by China Research Institute of Daily Chemical Industry (RIDCI).The journal is devoted to the publication of high quality papers on theoretical and practical aspects.

The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on the industry advancements, and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of detergents or cosmetics.

Paper Submission:

Authors are invited to submit papers through E-mail at cdc@ridci.cn. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this journal.

Topics considered included but are not limited to:

·Status & trend of detergents & cosmetics industry

 .Production and marketing trends

·Laws and regulations

·Research results on basic theories

·Formulation and manufacturing technology

·Other related contents

All Papers Must Include:

Subsection titles

One-hundred-word abstract

Author introduction


CDC editorial team does not publish articles arbitrarily. We follow a strict set of rules and guidelines. Articles published on the magazine fulfill certain criteria: quality of content is important to us, and our job is to advocate for and protect the interests of our readers. Each article is reviewed by at least two independent experts before it gets published on the magazine. In order for the article to get published, it has to receive at least two positive reviews.

To be clear,  CDC is a professional and independent publication that is neither controlled nor influenced by third parties; neither our advertisers nor our partners have any influence on our content or editing process. We continually revise and update these rules to make sure that the quality of our content is never compromised.

Experts Panel

Before an article published, it has been reviewed by independent experts, who are respected members of the design community who provide feedback to authors and review technical details. We are very grateful for the fantastic work of our Experts Panel, and the magazine would not be qualified enough without their profound expertise and support.

Email: cdc@ridci.cn

Add: No.34 Wenyuan Street, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China

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