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Cadernos de Saúde Pública(或:CADERNOS DE SAUDE PUBLICA)《公共卫生杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《公共卫生杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), SSCI(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率10.40%



Cadernos de Saúde Pública (CSP) 《公共卫生杂志》(月刊). Cadernos de Saúde Pública (CSP) publica artigos originais com elevado mérito científico,&...[显示全部]














Instructions to authors

Scope and policy

Cadernos de Saúde Pública/Reports in Public Health (CSP) publishes original articles of high scientific merit, which contribute with the study of public health in general and related disciplines. Since January 2016, CSP is only publishing its online version, in a continuous publication system for articles in periodicals indexed in the SciELO database. We recommend the authors to carefully read the instructions before submitting their articles to CSP.

As the abstract of the article achieves more visibility and distribution that the article per se, we suggest the specific recommendations for its writing be carefully read. (link abstract).

There are no fees for submission and evaluation of articles.

The Journal adopts Ephorous system for plagiarism identification.

Articles will be reviewed preferably by three consultants from the same field of research, members of Brazilian and international teaching and research institutions with proven scientific research production. Following corrections and suggestions as appropriate, the article will be accepted by the Editorial Board of CSP if it meets the journal’s criteria for quality, originality, and methodological rigor.

The author retains copyright of the work, giving the publication in Public Health, the right of first publication.

Manuscripts' form and presentation

We recommend that authors read the following instructions carefully before submitting their manuscripts to CSP.

1. CSP accepts papers for the following sections:

1.1 Perspectives: analysis of convergent themes, of short-term interest, and of importance for Population Health (maximum of 1.600 words);

1.2 Debate: analysis of relevant themes in the field of Public Health, followed by critical comments made by guest authors invited by the Editors, and the response of the author of the main article (maximum of 6.000 words e 5 illustrations);

1.3 Thematic Section: section destined to the publication of 3 to 4 articles or a little debate about a common theme that is relevant for Collective Health. Those interested in submitting papers for this Section should consult the Editors;

1.4 Review: critical review of the literature on themes related to Public Health, maximum of 8,000 words and 5 illustrations. Every systematic review should have its protocol published or registered in a registry of systematic reviews, such as PROSPERO; systematic reviews should be submitted in English (read more – LINK 3);

1.5 Essay: original text where an argument on a well-circumscribed theme is developed and it may have up to 8.000 words (read more – LINK 4);

1.6 Methodological Issues (LINK 5): articles focused on the discussion, comparison or assessment of important methodological aspect for the field, whether about study design, data analysis or qualitative methods (maximum of 6.000 words and 5 illustrations); articles about epidemiologic measurement tools should be submitted to this Section, preferably in accordance with the rules for Brief Communication (maximum of 1.700 words and 3 illustrations);

1.7 Article: resulting from research of empirical nature (maximum of 6.000 words and 5 illustrations). Among the different types of empirical studies, we present two examples: article on etiological research in epidemiology (LINK 1), and article using qualitative methodology (LINK 2);

1.8 Brief Communication: reporting preliminary research results, or results from original studies that can be presented abridged (maximum of 1.700 words and 3 illustrations);

1.9 Letters: criticism of article published in a previous issue of CSP (maximum of 700 words);

1.10 Book Reviews: critical review of books related to the field of the CSP, published in the past two years (maximum of 1.200 words).

2. Presentation of manuscripts

2.1 CSP only considers publishing original, previously unpublished manuscripts that are not being reviewed simultaneously for publication by any other journal. Authors must state these conditions in the submission process. In case previous publication or simultaneous submission to another journal is identified, the article will be rejected. Duplicate submission of a scientific manuscript constitutes a serious breach of ethics by the author(s).

2.2 Submissions are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, or English.

2.3 Footnotes, endnotes, and attachments will not be accepted.

2.4 The word count includes only the body of the text and references (see item 12.13).

2.5 All authors of articles accepted for publication will automatically be included in the journal's database of consultants, and the authors agree to participate as peer reviewers of articles submitted on the same theme as their own.




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