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  • 参考译名《意大利外科年刊》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率21.30%
  • 主要研究方向医学-SURGERY 外科



ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA《意大利外科年刊》(双月刊). Annali Italiani di Chirurgia is a bimonthly journal and covers all aspects of surgery:elect...[显示全部]














Annali Italiani di Chirurgia


Submission of a manuscript implies that the authors agree about the originality of the work , which has not been published previously (except in the format of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review or thesis); moreover that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles of clinical or experimental topics must comply with “Helsinki Declaration principles”. All have to obey to the ICMJE principles.

Each manuscript has to be sent in double copy on paper, together with a CD ROM with the text files processed with a word processor (preferred are the Microsoft’s, while are discarded PDS copies), to facilitate the Publisher treatment and eventually the need to provide any corrections .

All the above material must be sent by mail directly to the magazine’s DIRECTOR (Prof. Nicola Picardi – Via Montevideo 6 – 00198 Roma) or by e-mail to nicola.picardi@gmail.com after accreditation of € 25,00 (but € 40,00 from no UE countries) by bank transfer to IBAN IT 78 J 02008 05164 000400399424 (or SWIFT UNCRITM1B57) payable to Prof. Nicola Picardi, indicating postal and e-mail address, place and date of birth of the author of the payment. Failing this, in order not to violate the Italian tax rules, the article will not be registered, and will be rejected without being evaluated, and the money will be sent back with possible loss of currency for the Author of the transfer.

In the bank transfer must write: ‘’derogation to Guidelines for the Authors’’ and specify Title of the article and first Author’s name. In the object of the e-mail accompanying the manuscript it is important to indicate date and CRO of the bank transfer.

In the manuscript, as well as the indications and institutional afferents of each author, must be given the Corresponding Author’s name, his phone numbers and especially his e-mail address. In a separate envelope will be sent names, addresses, telephone numbers and Tax Codes of all authors, and any notes at Work (awards, funding, aknowledgements, etc..).

The language of publication is English of professional quality, reserving only to the mandatory “Riassunto” (“summary”) the Italian language. On Author’s request, and at their expense, the Publisher staff can supply a professional translation or revision of the English text from language experts on the field, or provide to the Authors an e-mail address for a mother tongue translator.

All the manuscripts must be accompanied by an ABSTRACT in English, with a length of about two pages (minimum 180 – maximum 250 words) – and with a structured content. EXAMPLE – AIM: 1 sentence; MATERIAL AND METHODS: 1-2 sentences; RESULTS : 1-2 sentences; DISCUSSION : 1 sentence on the results, 2-3 phrases on references; CONCLUSIONS : 1-3 sentences). Key Words must be indicated (generally 1 to 3).

While the English abstract must be within 250 words, the Italian “Riassunto” can and should be more extensive, possibly representing synthesis of the entire article.

The TEXT of the manuscript, typed on double space on a single side, have to be organized according to the following scheme: a) Introduction (with bibliographic references if it is the case); b) Material and Method (or case experience); c) Results; d) Discussion (with bibliographic references if it is the case) and commentary; e) Conclusions; f) Summary; g) References, in numerical order of citation in the text.

Work’s ICONOGRAPHY – photographs, graphs, drawings will be printed as a rule in black and white. All images must be submitted in both hard copy and in digital on a CD, and their subtitles on a separate sheet. For a better reproduction it ‘important that the photographs, histological and radiographic illustrations be of high quality.

Tables, drawings and graphs must be as simple as possible. Tables, marked with Roman numerals, should be placed on separate sheets. Graphs and tables must still be included in the CD.

On Director’s discretion the colors of iconography can be kept in the print magazine, when effectively needed for a better demonstration, sometimes on request but anyways with consent of the corresponding Author. Colors of images, histograms and graphs are ever retained only in the case of an exclusive E-Publish choice.

On the back side of each photograph the name of the first Author must be pointed out, together with the number of the photograph and the upper side. Every writing added on the same photograph must be in black ink or better digitally inserted. The subtitles should be written on separate sheet with easy reference to the figure of the corresponding picture.

The REFERENCES have to be limited to the original papers actually cited in the text, and listed in the citation order (and not in alphabetical order on the name of the first author) with number in exponent in the text. These have to be limited to the original papers effectively cited in the text, possibly avoiding Textbooks. Of each reference the names of all Authors (or at least the first three and Al) have to be cited, with the surname preceding the initials of the name, separating the various Authors with a comma; the article’s title should be that of the original language. The Journals will be cited with official abbreviations (see PubMed), in the following order: year of publication, volume number. (Issue), the first and last page number (the latter only the two last digits).


PRESSMAN J, SIMON MB: Experimental evidence of direct com­munications between lymph-nodes and veins. Surg Gynec Obst , 1961. 3; 113: 537-48


FOX R, ADAMSON T: Human lymphocyte cell surface antigens defi­ned by monoclonal antibodies. In: Nakamura R (ed): New directions in clinical laboratory assays. New York: Masson Press, 1984; 265-95.

If either of these indications are lacking a review of the paper will be required, and notwithstanding its eventual approval for publication, it will be published only when sent back completed by the corresponding Author.

Authors are the only responsible of data and conclusions of their work.

The Direction affirms its right to do, if necessary, some limited adjustements to the text and to images for editorial reasons, and to better the understanding of some articles, without alter the substance of the work. On galley proofs the Corresponding Author will have the possibility to control and agree the final text.

The articles that are debatable can be accompanied from a “comment” promoted by the Scientific Committee of the journal, which will be included in drafts and excluded from possible corrections.

The authors naturally have the right to replicate to any “comment” when returning the correct drafts; in that case the bilingual replica will be published in full after the “comment”.

Comments of other readers will be published on “Letters to the Director” section. The copyright of published works is reserved to the Journal. On each published article will be reported arrival data, and that of its acceptation. Manuscripts and iconographic material, even if not accepted for publication, will be not given back.

The proofs of accepted manuscripts will be sent to the Corresponding Author and should be returned to the Publisher within 15 days, to avoid not expected delays for publication. To the Corresponding Author, if subscriber to the journal, the Publisher grants two free pages of the print, excluding tables and pictures, and the invoice of tree copies of the issue containing the paper.

It is highly hoped that any Author that publishes on Annali Italiani di Chirurgia be also a subscriber to the journal.

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