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代数集刊(英文版)(Algebra Colloquium) (官网投稿)

《代数集刊(英文版)》(Algebra Colloquium)(季刊),是创刊于1994年的中国主办的第一本国际性代数学期刊,2004年起由中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院与苏州大学合办的英文版数学刊物,在国内外学术界具有较大影响。期刊为英文季刊,每年3月、6月、9月、12月出版。
本刊为:SCIE(2023版), CSCD核心(2023-2024), 高质量科技期刊(T2), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(万方), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
























For Authors

Authors must use LaTeX for typewriting, and visit our website http://algebra.math.ac.cn to submit your paper.

All papers must be presented in English. Manuscripts should be accompanied by (1) an abstract not exceeding 600 characters, (2) 3-5 keywords, (3) some Mathematics Subject Classification numbers (2010 version), and (4) an abbreviated title not exceeding 55 characters for running head. To facilitate communication between the author and editor, the author should furnish the fax number and e-mail address on the title page of the manuscript. In case of a joint paper, please point out the name and address of the corresponding author.

Papers submitted to Algebra Colloquium should be written in an elegant and clear style. Prospective authors not expert in the language used in their papers are urged to seek proper assistance in this manner before submitting papers. If the language used in a submitted manuscript is poor, the manuscript will be immediately rejected. Manuscripts will not be returned to authors.

A paper can be divided into several sections (with titles). Definitions, lemmas, propositions, theorems, and examples are numbered successively in a section, while equations (expressions) are numbered successively in the whole paper. Authors are requested to choose mathematical symbols as simply as possible, place superscripts and subscripts accurately so that they will not be misunderstood.

References are listed at the end of the text and always ordered by alphabet. Journal papers, books, and single papers in books should be respectively given as follows:

1. name(s) of author(s), title of the paper, (abbreviated) title of the journal (in italics), number of volume (in boldface), year of publication (in parentheses), numbers of the first and last pages.

2. name(s) of author(s), title of the book (in italics), publishing house, city of publication, year of publication.

3. name(s) of author(s), title of the paper, in: title of the book (in italics), publishing house, city of publication, year of publication, numbers of the first and last pages of the paper.

All papers will be refereed. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been published and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the author should agree that the copyright for the paper is automatically transferred to the publisher, if and when it is accepted for publication.

Manuscripts will be revised, accepted, or rejected according to the usual standard operated for journals. If necessary, the author would be asked to revise the manuscript according to the referees’ suggestions and comments. When a paper is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to provide the LaTeX file of the paper. The Editorial Office reserves the right to make reasonable modifications in wording and makes copy-editing.

Before printing, the Editorial Office will send the final version of the paper to the author(s) via e-mail. After publication, Algebra Colloquium will not provide offprints.

For further information, please contact algcol@amss.ac.cn

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