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Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society《韩国化学学会通报》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《韩国化学学会通报》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率23.20%



Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society《韩国化学学会通报》(月刊). The Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (BKCS) is a monthly journal and...[显示全部]















Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society

Information for Authors

Important Notes

BKCS Publications uses Crossref 's iThenticate software to detect instances of similarity in submitted manuscripts. In publishing only original research, BKCS is committed to deterring plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Your manuscript may be screened for similarity to published material. Please make sure your manuscript lower than 30% in the similarity.

Authors are required to submit their manuscript electronically using the online submission system available at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/bkcs.

Preparing Submission

Manuscripts should be prepared with one of the following Templates (Communication / Article / Personal Account / Review). It is strongly encouraged that all figures and schemes are assembled in one Microsoft Word 2010 (or a later version) file.

1. Cover Letter should include the followings, justifying why the paper should be published in BKCS:

Manuscript title.

Corresponding author's name and email address.

A statement of the significance of the work.

2. Manuscript is the main text of the paper and should be prepared with the help of one of the templates. It may include the following in the given order:

Title and author list. Please consult samples of published papers.

Abstract. The article must contain an abstract. The abstract should not exceed 150 words and briefly state the purpose of the works, results, and conclusions.

Keywords. 5 keywords should be included.

Introduction. The introduction should state the purpose of the research and include appropriate citations of previous and relevant works.

Experimental Section. The manuscript should provide details of experiments so that the experiments are reproducible elsewhere.

Results and Discussions. Only relevant results are to be presented and discussed.


Tables. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Each table should be provided with a descriptive heading, which, together with the individual column headings, should make the table as self-explanatory as possible.

Figures. High-quality figures EITHER embedded in a doc(x) file OR as numbered figures in separate files in tif, jpg, or eps format with a 300 dpi or higher resolution and structures preferably as ChemDraw files.

References. All references should be numbered in the order, in which they are first mentioned in the text, and the complete list of reference should appear at the end of the manuscript. Examples of references are given below.

13. C. Seto, G. M. Whitesides, J. Am Chem. Soc. 1990, 112, 6409.

14. R. Schmid, A. F. McDonagh, in: The Porphyrins (Ed.: D. Dolphin), Academic Press, New York, 1979, Vol. 6, p. 258.

3. Figures, Schemes and Tables. Figures, schemes, and tables should be used only to present information more efficiently than the running text. All figures and schemes should be assembled in one Microsoft Word 2010 (or a later version) file. The resolution of all graphics should be 300 dpi or higher.

4. Graphical Abstract. Graphical abstract represents your paper's contents and should be expressed as a figure, scheme, or diagram. It should be smaller than 11 cm (length) × 5 cm (height).

5. Supporting Information. Supplementary figures or data (detailed experimental procedures and tabulated data) can be provided in Supporting Information. Please prepare the Supporting Information, using Microsoft Word 2010 (or a later version).

6. Others. Nomenclature should be in accordance with the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, the American Chemical Society Committee on Nomenclature, and the Chemical Abstracts Service recommendations. Complicated chemical equations, schemes, and structures should be presented as furnished artwork, ready for reproduction. Mathematical expressions and chemical formulae should be typed, with capital, lower case, and Greek letters easily discernible and identified in the margin to avoid ambiguities. Avoid complicated superscripts and subscripts. Use fractional exponents instead of root signs. Crystallographic data (in CIF format) should be deposited with one of the two databases below before publication.




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