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FOTTEA (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称FOTTEA
  • 参考译名
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率12.30%
  • 主要研究方向生物学-PLANT SCIENCES 植物科学



FOTTEA(半年刊). Fottea is a journal of Czech Phycological Society (formerly bulletin Czech Phycology). Fottea publishes papers on all ...[显示全部]








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Instructions for authors

Fottea is the journal published by Czech Phycological Society (formerly bulletin Czech Phycology). Fottea publishes papers on all aspects of the ecology, biology, phylogeny, and taxonomy of algae (including cyanobacteria). Fottea do not accept recently poor floristic (list of species, floristic records). Floristic papers can be accepted if they are accompanied by taxonomy (new taxa description, typification) or ecology (robust dataset with sophisticated statistic). Manuscripts submitted must be original and not have been accepted for publication or be under consideration elsewhere. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that nothing in a submitted manuscript would be in breach of any copyright agreement. On acceptance of a manuscript, copyright is transferred to the journal.

Editorial policy

Articles submitted for publication are independently reviewed by referees, and the Editor-in-Chief. However, manuscripts that clearly do not meet the criteria for publication may be rejected by the Editor-in-Chief without being sent for review.

The manuscript

Manuscripts may be submitted in the form of Original Articles or Reviews or Short notes and should be submitted preferably via the Manuscript submission system. Long contributions such as monographs with photographic plates (up to 60 plates) can also be accepted (deadline for such monographs 1st May). It is essential that manuscripts are written using double spacing throughout (including references and legends) with all margins of at least 3 cm. Do not right-justify or divide words at the ends of lines. The font Times New Roman (12 point) is preferred with the regular font style. Only species names should be in italics. Latin names should be followed by the full or abbreviated authorities (in case of abbreviated authorities please follow Authors of Plant Names, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; BRUMMITT & POWELL 1992 or http://www.ipni.org/index.html), when first used, unless a large number of names with authorities are grouped in a table. Use “et” in latin names (Nupela troglophila Falasco, C.E. Wetzel et Ector). All pages should be numbered in series, with the first page a title page, the second an abstract, followed by the text, references, tables, and legends for figures in that order. Normally, the text should be subdivided into six sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results (or Observations), Discussion, Acknowledgements and References, although this may not be appropriate for some articles (such as some taxonomic papers).

SI (metric) units must be used. Leave a space between numerals and their units (e.g. 10 mm). Abbreviations should be explained in words when first used. Symbols, units, and nomenclature should conform to international usage. Non-English speakers should get the text checked if at all possible, as the editors cannot always be expected to carry out major linguistic revision.

Original Articles should be prepared according to the following format:

The title page should have only the title, the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s), any necessary footnotes, and a short running title suitable for page headings. If the name of an organism is used in the title, an indication of its taxonomic position must be given. The address for correspondence and offprint requests will be that of the first author unless otherwise indicated by means of a footnote. The corresponding author's e-mail (or fax number) should be included.

The Abstract of not more than 1000 letters including brakes should be concise and informative.

Key words: immediately following the abstract, list 6 to 10 key words (alphabetically), separated by commas.

Acknowledgements should be given under a single heading at the end of the article.

References in the text are cited by author (small caps) and publication date. Use ''&'' between pairs of authors; for three or more authors, give the first author followed by ''et al.'' and the year. Multiple references must be listed in chronological order (e.g. Joosten & van den Hoek 1986; Breeman 1988; Breeman et al. 1994a, b). Only cite articles or books already published or in press. In the list at the end of the paper, references should be typed double spaced in alphabetical order. Include publishers and city of publication for books. Abbreviations of journal names should follow the World List of Scientific Periodicals or the selection Abbreviated Titles of Biological Journals issued by the Biological Council. References should appear in the following style:

Hindák, F.; Hindáková, A.; Marvan, P.; Heteša, J.& Hašler, P. (2006):Diversity, abundance and volume biomass of the phytoplankton of the Morava River (Czech Republic, Slovakia) and the Dyje River (Czech Republic) in November 2005. – Czech Phycology 6: 77–97.

Komárek, J. & Anagnostidis, K. (1998):Cyanoprokaryota I. – In: Ettl, H.; Gärtner, G.; Heynig, H. & Mollenhauer, D. (eds): Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa, Band 19/1. – 548 pp., Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart – Jena.

Wołowski, K. & Hindák, F. (2005): Atlas of Euglenophytes. 136 pp., Veda, Bratislava.

Komárek, J. (2003): Coccoid and colonial cyanobacteria. – In: Wehr, J.D. & Sheath, R.G. (eds): Freshwater Algae of North America. – pp. 59–116, Academic Press, San Diego.

Tables should be numbered consecutively with arabic numerals, double-spaced throughout, on a separate numbered page, have a brief title at the top and be referred to in the text. Tables should not include vertical lines or shading. Tables should not be insert as compact picture. Table width must fit to 7.7 (one column), 16 (two columns) or 24.7 cm (landscape paper), text: Times New Roman, font size 9.

Figures should be planned so that they will fit one column (7.7 cm) or two columns (16 cm) in width, and be no more than 22 cm in length. Allow sufficient space so that the legend can be placed beneath the figure or group. A linear scale must be placed directly on each figure (please follow style of scale bare used in example below). Scale value should be indicated in the legend.

Legends for figures must be typed double-spaced on a separate page and provide enough information for interpretation of the figure, with all abbreviations used.

Line drawings, diagrams, photographs must have good contrast and quality. Groups of photographs forming a single page should be squared accurately and mounted with spaces between them (the same width, cca 2 mm). Figures should be planned so that the all outer margins are aligned (follow example below). Electronic files should be prepared using standard programs (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw) at a resolution of at least 300dpi (for photographs) and 600dpi (for drawings) and saved as tiff files. Numbers and lettering should be aligned accurately, in Arial font (10-12 bold for figure numbers), black or white depending upon the image background (no circles). Magnification scales should be inserted on the figures, aligned accurately; the length of the line should be given in the legend. Plates mounted in Word or Power Point cannot be accepted for printing.

Colour photographs may be printed at the expense of the author (aprox. 240 EUR per page) after consultation with the Editor-in-Chief, PDF version may include colour photos free of charge.

Free article access: All papers have open access free of charge, except of monographies published as Fottea Supplements.

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