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  • 参考译名《国际形态学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 目次收录(超星),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率32.90%
  • 主要研究方向医学-ANATOMY & MORPHOLOGY解剖学与形态学



INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY《国际形态学杂志》(双月刊). The International Journal of Morphology (Revista Internacional de Morfología) (Print ISSN 0717...[显示全部]







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Scope and policy


The International Journal of Morphology (Revista Internacional de Morfología) (Print ISSN 0717-9367; Online ISSN 0717-9502) is an official publication of the Chilean Society of Anatomy, Argentine Association of Anatomy and Pan American Association of Anatomy. It is the continuation of Revista Chilena de Anatomía (Chilean Anatomical Journal) and is published bimonthly. The six issues published yearly constitute one volume. This journal covers morphology in all its aspects, Gross Anatomy, Histology and Developmental Biology, as well as human and animal morphological aspects, including Celular, Molecular, systems or Evolutionary Biology. Reviews, short and brief communications and Letters to the Editor are also accepted.

All articles submitted to International Journal of Morphology must be original. In a letter to the Editor, signed by all the authors, it should be expressly declared that the manuscript must be approved by all authors, may not have been published or previously sent either in full or a part thereof, except in abstract form, and may not be under consideration by any other journal. All authors of manuscripts submitted should complete the "Author Responsibility Statement" form which is in accordance with the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org), regarding authorship criteria.

For authors from countries whose language is different from English, an english translation certificate of the manuscript, issued by a native translator, must also be attached.

Compliance with ethical standards

To guarantee objectivity and transparency in the investigation and to ensure that the accepted principles of ethical and professional conduct have been followed, in studies on human beings and experimental animals, the authors must submit copies of the research approval document issued by the Scientific Ethics Committee.

In addition, the authors must include information on sources of financing and possible conflicts of interest, using a form available on the website of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org) (“Uniform Disclosure Form for Possible Conflicts of Interest”).

A. Research in Humans

Any research involving human participants must have been approved by the Scientific Ethics Committee, and must have been conducted in accordance with the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki. The authors must submit, upon request, a statement from the Institutional Review Board or an equivalent Ethics Committee indicating the research’s approval. We reserve the right to reject any work that we believe has not met a high ethical standard, even when formal approval has been obtained.

Subjects must receive proper instruction, and consent their participation by signing the appropriate informed consent document. If the consent was verbal rather than written, or if it could not be obtained, the authors must explain the reasons in the manuscript, and the use of verbal consent or lack of consent must have been approved by the Institutional Review Board or equivalent Scientific Ethics Committee.

All efforts should be made to protect the patient’s privacy and anonymity. Identifying information, including photos, should not be included in the manuscript unless that information is crucial and the person has given written consent. More information about patient privacy, anonymity and informed consent can be found in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors website (www.icmje.org) (“Privacy and Confidentiality Guidelines”).

The Material and Method section of the article on research using human subjects or samples must include ethical statements that specify the following:

The name of the Institutional Review Board or equivalent Scientific Ethics Committee that approved the protocol and the associated permit number(s). If approval was not obtained, authors should provide a detailed statement explaining why this was not necessary.

If informed consent was obtained verbally, it should be indicated in the manuscript:

Why the written consent could not be obtained?

The approval of the use of oral consent by the Institutional Review Committee or equivalent Scientific Ethics Committee.

How oral consent was documented.

For studies involving human beings categorized by race/ethnicity, age, disease/disability, religion, sex/gender, sexual orientation or other socially constructed groups, authors should:

Explicitly describe the methods of categorizing human populations.

Define categories in as much detail as the study protocol allows.

Justify choices of definitions and categories, for example, if a funding agency required some human categorization rule.

Explain whether (and if so, how) confounding variables were controlled, such as socioeconomic status, nutrition, environmental exposures, or similar factors in the analysis.

Also, obsolete terms and potentially stigmatizing labels should be changed to more current and acceptable terminology. Examples: "cancer victims" should be changed to "cancer patients".

B. Research in Animals

All research involving vertebrates or cephalopods must have the approval of the Institutional Review Committee or equivalent Scientific Ethics Committee, and must have been conducted according to the National and International guidelines that apply. Approval must be received before beginning of the intervention.

Manuscripts reporting on animal research should be included in the Material and Method section:

The full name of the Scientific Ethics Committee that approved the research protocol and the associated permit number(s).

Where ethical approval is not required, the manuscript should include the reasons why (“according to the relevant regulations, the study is exempt from the approval requirement”).




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