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HEADACHE《头痛》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称HEADACHE
  • 参考译名《头痛》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率15.20%
  • 主要研究方向医学-CLINICAL NEUROLOGY临床神经病学



HEADACHE《头痛》(一年十期)。Headache publishes original articles on all aspects of head and face pain including communications on clinical and b...[显示全部]














Author Guidelines


Headache is the official publication of the American Headache Society (AHS). The journal welcomes for consideration papers on head and face pain and all other aspects of pain concerned with clinical or basic science research. Headache prides itself on a rapid, full and fair peer review. Our peer review process is designed to ensure all published papers realize their full potential. For most article types you will typically receive either 2 or 3 subject expert reviews plus a set of comments from our Design and Methods Advisor.

Preparing a Manuscript for Submission

To ensure your manuscript moves quickly through peer review, and to ensure you are compliant with the American Headache Society’s ethical standards, it is recommended you complete the following steps before submission:

Read these Instructions for Authors in depth paying particular attention to understanding our peer review process, figure preparation and ethical considerations.

Be prepared to provide ethics-related information such as:

Conflict of Interest statements for all authors. We prefer authors disclose all conflicts of interest rather than just those related specifically to the submission

Funding Information

Information on Institutional Review Board approval where relevant

Patient consent information when relevant

Familiarize yourself with Headache’s endorsement of a variety of reporting guideline standards. More information can be found below on reporting guidelines and why we demand the highest standards of reporting to ensure validation, replication and enhanced prospects of citation.

Article Types

Headache requests that authors closely follow our style and format demands for individual article types. Failure to do so on initial submission will mean amendments will have to be made at revision.

Research Submissions

Presentation of results of original basic science research or clinical investigation. Articles that research education in headache medicine can also be considered Research Submissions. Articles must be limited to 4,000 words. There is no limit on the number of figures, tables or references. Supplementary tables and figures are welcomed. Abstracts must not be more than 300 words and should be formatted as follows: Objective, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

Review Articles

Review Articles represent a comprehensive review and critique of the literature on any topic related to headache medicine. They may include a new hypothesis. Narrative reviews will be considered for peer review. Systematic or scoping reviews, however, are preferred. Articles must be limited to 4,500 words. There is no limit on the number of figures, tables or references. Supplementary tables and figures are welcomed. Abstracts must not be more than 300 words and should be formatted as follows: Objective, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

Research Letter

Short-length original research article communicated in a highly focused manner. The objective of Research Letters is to publish important, fast-breaking, research that lends itself to a short communication and that can be reviewed rapidly. Papers should not exceed 600 words of text and should have less than 6 references. A single table or figure may be included. In general, Research Letters should be divided into the following sections (though, critically, they should be written with no internal sub-headings): an introduction, methods, results, and comment.


Perspectives articles take the form of an opinion piece whereby the level of evidence is generally lower than that demanded for a Research Submission. Perspectives articles represent a way for authors to explore novel or nascent ideas and concepts. Articles must be limited to 1,200 words and there must be no more than 3 authors. There is no abstract, no internal structure, and references must be limited to no more than 7. One small table and one figure are allowed. Supplementary tables and figures are welcomed.

Clinical Correspondence

Clinical Correspondence represents the primary method for reporting case reports. Please note, Headache publishes very few cases. Clinical Correspondence must NOT include an abstract or contain internal sections/headings. There is a firm limit of 1,000 words and no more than 4 references. Clinical Correspondence must NOT contain any figures or tables. Please note that these formatting guidelines will be enforced strictly with no exceptions granted.

Brief Communications

Headache will consider, in a very limited capacity, single case reports or, more specifically, small case series that contain tables and figures. Articles must be limited to 1,500 words. Abstracts must not exceed a 300-word limit and can be unstructured. Figures must be submitted as high-resolution (minimum of 300 d.p.i.) individual image files (i.e. .pdf, .jpg, .tif or .eps). Please note that these formatting guidelines will be firmly enforced.


Headache will consider the publication of study protocols ONLY from American Headache Society-led initiatives as developed by AHS Special Interest Groups. Protocols external to AHS will not be considered. There is no word limit on Protocols. Abstracts can be unstructured but must not exceed 300 words. There is no limit on tables and figures. Supplementary tables and figures are welcomed.

Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor may consist of comments and rebuttals on all recently published articles in Headache. Letters may also feature short observations. Letters to the Editor, however, must NOT be used as an article type to publish case reports. There is a word limit of 1,000 words with NO abstract or internal sections.

Residents and Fellows Section

This section serves the journal’s readership at large but will be particularly relevant to trainees (students, residents, fellows) and medical educators. At least 1 trainee author is required per manuscript. The identity and trainee status of this individual must be identified in any accompanying cover letter.

The goals of this section are:

To provide trainees an opportunity to make early scholarly contributions to the field of headache and

To cover all topics in headache medical education for this journal.

Submissions may fall under 2 categories as described below. Please note that residents and fellows are also encouraged to submit any original clinical, basic, or translational research as a Research Submission.

Residents and Fellows: Headache Rounds - Submissions to this section aim to have trainees offer an interesting and/or instructive case, including discussion of possible differential diagnoses and the correct diagnosis, concluding with curated teaching points. The structure is as follows: patient presentation (clinical vignette including history, examination, and results of relevant diagnostic tests), discussion of differential diagnoses (clarifying which features of the case go for and against each diagnosis), discussion of the final diagnosis (define the disease: clinical features, pathophysiology, and treatment; connect the disease back to the patient presentation), and finally 2-4 “take aways” in bullet point format. If an expert within the same headache center or institution is available to provide content and/or commentary to the submission, they may do so. Suggested length is 2,000-4,000 words with up to 20 references. Figures depicting imaging findings and tables showing pertinent laboratory data are encouraged. No abstract is required.

Resident and Fellows: Today in Headache Medicine - This section encompasses a widespread set of topics currently relevant to, and of interest in, the field of headache:

Careers: Information, ideas, suggestions, or commentary on career paths, opportunities, and trends ongoing in the headache field

Opinions: Thoughts and opinions on all aspects of graduate or postgraduate education in headache medicine

Humanities and the Arts: Humanities and/or humanism in headache medicine; also any original art, prose, or poetry by trainees

All articles must not exceed 2,000 words with no abstract or no more than 20 references. There is no limit on tables and figures.

Online Submission

Headache only accepts on-line submissions at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/headache

If you have previously reviewed or submitted manuscripts to Headache, your contact details have been pre-loaded into the database of our online submission site.

To obtain your username and password, choose the option “Reset Password” on the login page. Entering your email address will generate an automatic email that provides your username and password.

Pre-submission Inquiries

If you are uncertain about the subject-matter relevancy of your paper or have general questions regarding the suitability and format of your submission, please do not hesitate to contract the Headache editorial office at: journal@ahsnet.org.

Preprint Servers

Headache welcomes the submission of preprint articles as long as they have not been submitted concurrently to another journal for peer review. Authors submitting preprints to Headache MUST inform the editorial office at the time of submission that the manuscript is a preprint and provide reassurance that no copyright is being infringed upon should the article eventually be accepted for publication. With publication, authors must provide a link from the preprint to the final published article in Headache.

Cost to publish or submit

Unless you wish to pay an Article Processing Charge to render your published article Open Access, there is no fee to either submit or publish in Headache.

Expedited peer review and publication

Headache is pleased to offer expedited peer review and publication upon request. There is no fee to do so. All requests for expedited peer review MUST be made in advance of submission. Requests made at submission will not be granted. In submitting a request ahead of schedule, authors must explain why their paper should receive expedited review. Each case is considered on its merits and the decision to grant a request is entirely at the discretion of the editorial office.


Manuscripts submitted to Headache are subjected to peer review.

Headache strives to improve the reporting quality of clinical trials. For randomized trials, Headache has endorsed the CONSORT Statement (available at http://www.consort-statement.org). We recommend authors refer to the EQUATOR network website (http://www.equator-network.org) for further information on the available reporting guidelines for health research.

Headache mandates that a completed reporting guideline checklist is included with all article types with the exception of Letters to the Editor. Manuscripts that fail to include a completed reporting guideline checklist along with the actual inclusion of appropriate criteria in their manuscript are typically rejected by the journal.

In an attempt to improve the quality of research reports in the journal, Headache now requires a completed reporting checklist as a condition of article submission. A table detailing the Study Type and appropriate checklist can be found here.

It is a mandatory requirement that a reporting checklist is submitted. We urge you, while completing this form, to consider amending your manuscript to ensure your article addresses all issues raised by the reporting checklist, where appropriate. Taking the time to ensure your manuscript meets these basic reporting needs will greatly improve your manuscript, potentially enhancing its chances for eventual publication.

An article from Elizabeth Loder and Donald Penzien provides more information on the need for Reporting Checklists and can be found here.


Optimize the discoverability of your research using our SEO Tips for Authors guide.

In general, manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. [1]

For frequently asked questions regarding manuscript preparation and submission, click here.


Through our online submission system you are able to track the progress of your manuscript. If you see the status update “Awaiting Reviewer Selection”, this means that reviewers have been invited to review your manuscript. This message also displays if we have not yet secured our mandatory minimum number of reviewers. This can mean that we already have one or more reviewers evaluating your manuscript, but not our full complement. The mandatory minimum number of reviewers fluctuates depending upon the type of manuscript you submit. Your manuscript is, consequently, progressing through peer review and it should not be assumed that the journal has failed to start the peer review process. Indeed Headache conducts a detailed triage of every manuscript as part of an initial round of review ahead of the invitation of reviewers.

Peer Review Research:

Headache periodically conducts editorial and peer review research, such as analyzing submission trends or interpreting the use of reporting guidelines. If you do not want your article entered into future research studies performed by the editorial office, please inform us of your position at journal@ahsnet.org. Your decision to participate or not will have no influence on the final editorial decision regarding your manuscript.


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