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AUTOMATICA《自动化》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《自动化》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率7.40%



AUTOMATICA《自动化》(月刊). Automatica is a leading archival publication in the field of systems and control. The field encompasses today ...[显示全部]














Guide for Authors

Aims and scope

Automatica is a leading archival publication in the field of systems and control. The field encompasses today a broad set of areas and topics, and is thriving not only within itself but also in terms of its impact on other fields, such as communications, computers, biology, energy and economics. Since its inception in 1963, Automatica has kept abreast with the evolution of the field over the years, and has emerged as a leading publication driving the trends in the field.

After being founded in 1963, Automatica became a journal of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in 1969. It features a characteristic blend of theoretical and applied papers of archival, lasting value, reporting cutting edge research results by authors across the globe. It features articles in distinct categories, including regular, brief and survey papers, technical communiqués, correspondence items, as well as reviews on published books of interest to the readership. It occasionally publishes special issues on emerging new topics or established mature topics of interest to a broad audience.

Automatica solicits original high-quality contributions in all the categories listed above, and in all areas of systems and control interpreted in a broad sense and evolving constantly. They may be submitted directly to a subject editor or to the Editor-in-Chief if not sure about the subject area. Editorial procedures in place assure careful, fair, and prompt handling of all submitted articles. Accepted papers appear in the journal in the shortest time feasible given production time constraints.

Additional information about Automatica, including a list of recently accepted papers and a cumulative table of contents (1963-present), can be found at the website www.journals.elsevier.com/automatica. Papers should be submitted using the on-line review management system Pampus www.autsubmit.com.

Submission of Papers

Papers and Brief Papers should be submitted to the Editor whose subject best fits the topic of the paper, Survey Papers to the Editor for Survey Papers, and Technical Communiqués or Correspondence to the Editor for Rapid Publications. See the "Editorial Board" page for the editorial areas and information on the editors. Papers must be in English.

Submission process: Paper submission to Automatica is web-based. Prospective authors should go to the website of Automatica's paper review management system Papercept here and follow the instructions. Only PDF files that are already to be printed can be accepted. All submissions are acknowledged automatically. Submissions by ordinary mail or e-mail are not accepted. Prospective authors who do not have access to Internet, or cannot carry out the web-based submission process should contact the Editor-in-Chief.

Language services: Authors who require information about language editing and copyediting services pre- and post-submission please visit https://www.elsevier.com/languagepolishing or our customer support site at http://support.elsevier.com for more information. Please note Elsevier neither endorses nor takes responsibility for any products, goods or services offered by outside vendors through our services or in any advertising. For more information please refer to our Terms and Conditions terms

Papers from IFAC technical meetings

Papers submitted to IFAC journals with prior publication in any copyrighted conference proceedings must be substantially different from the conference publication. Authors should indicate in the cover letter in detail how the journal paper differs from the relevant conference paper or papers. In particular, the additional original contribution in the journal paper has to be pointed out explicitly. In the journal paper, the conference paper has to be cited and discussed as any other paper in the list of references.

Automatica has priority access to papers presented at meetings sponsored by IFAC. If the authors of IFAC meeting papers have not been notified by one of the Automatica Editors within three months of the meeting that the paper is to be reviewed for possible publication in Automatica, then the paper can be considered as released for publication elsewhere provided that an acknowledgement to the IFAC meeting is given.

Conditions of publication: It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to Automatica have not been published and will not be submitted or published elsewhere in English or any other language, without the written consent of the publisher. Responsibility for the contents of the paper rests upon the authors and not upon IFAC, the Editors, or the Publisher.

Types of Contribution

Submitted articles may be of five basic types:

Survey papers - Extensive reviews of established or emerging research topics or application areas that are of current interest to an Automatica audience. In contrast to a tutorial, a survey goes beyond a mere introduction to a topic or particular technique, providing a comprehensive review of the area it covers. For examples of what Automatica publishes under this heading, enter the search term "survey" here

Submission process for survey papers: The authors should first submit a 3-page survey proposal, discussing the importance and timeliness of the survey topic and related subtopics. In doing so, the authors should provide a tentative reference list (not counting against the 3-page limit) that encompasses a diverse set of approaches to the topic, showing its breadth and significance. Upon evaluation by the senior editorial board, the authors will either be discouraged or encouraged to submit a full survey paper. If encouraged, the authors may submit a full survey manuscript that will be sent to experts in the field for further evaluation.

Criteria for survey invitation: The editorial board will evaluate survey proposals based on the proposal's breadth and timeliness, and the authors' depth of knowledge and recognized expertise in the survey topic. An encouragement does not imply automatic acceptance of the full survey paper.




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