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RSC Medicinal Chemistry《RSC药物化学》(原:MedChemComm) (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《RSC药物化学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率2.40%



RSC Medicinal Chemistry《RSC药物化学》(月刊). RSC Medicinal Chemistry publishes significant research in medicinal chemistry and related drug discovery&nb...[显示全部]








5、期刊更名:MedChemComm 2020 1 月起更名为 RSC Medicinal Chemistry







RSC Medicinal Chemistry publishes significant research in medicinal chemistry and related drug discovery science.

Research articles published in RSC Medicinal Chemistry must show a breakthrough or significant advance on previously published work, or bring new thinking or results that will have a strong impact in their field. Hypothesis-led research is encouraged.

Examples of areas within the journal's scope are:

Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel chemical entities or biotherapeutic modalities. To be suitable for publication these must exhibit significant potential as new pharmacological agents, tools, probes or potential drugs. Studies presenting new drug delivery systems with novel chemical agents are welcomed, however those that focus solely on formulations of known drugs are not suitable for publication in RSC Medicinal Chemistry.

Modifications of known chemical entities or biotherapeutic modalities that result in a significantly greater understanding of their structure-activity relationships, an improvement of their properties or provide other information of significant value, for example, the identification of a new target or mode of action for a known agent. Routine modifications with minimal or no improvement are not suitable for RSC Medicinal Chemistry.

Note that studies where new or existing compounds are tested as pharmacological agents will only be considered if they are carried out in the presence of clear positive and negative controls. Studies of this type should include a clearly defined and hypothesis-driven compound design rationale. Potential antimicrobial agents should be tested for cytotoxicity and activity against non-related pathogens.

Novel methodologies and technologies in the broader chemical and biological sciences (for example, enabling synthetic chemistry, chemical biology, -omics sciences, nanoscience) with application to drug discovery, target identification or elucidation of the mechanism of action. Biological studies should present sufficient innovation with respect to the chemistry.

Computational studies are welcome where they significantly advance medicinal chemistry knowledge. Studies that use established computational methods should include an original prediction and be accompanied by new experimental data which validates the prediction made. Studies that report novel computational methodology must demonstrate its use in medicinal chemistry through comparison with experimental data. Computational research that does not clearly relate the results obtained to experimental data or that has no demonstrated utility (or where the utility is unlikely to advance the field significantly) is not suitable for RSC Medicinal Chemistry. Docking studies presented without experimental data are not suitable for publication in the journal.

Studies that examine the effect of the molecular structure of a compound on pharmacokinetic behaviour and pharmacodynamics.

To help editors and referees assess the significance of each submitted manuscript we ask all authors on submission to provide a brief statement of significance. This should contain one sentence to summarise the most important finding(s) in the manuscript and a second sentence to say why this is a significant advance in the field. This significance statement should focus specifically on the importance of the piece of research being submitted, rather than the importance of the field.

Article types

RSC Medicinal Chemistry publishes:

Research articles

Review articles




Research article

All new research in RSC Medicinal Chemistry is published in the Research article format. Research articles have no page limits, although most articles fall between 4 and 10 journal pages (approximately 10–25 pages of double-spaced text).

Research Articles encompass both full paper and communication styles. Where a communication style article is submitted the work should be of enough importance to merit urgent publication before the full study is complete. In all cases authors should provide the same level of experimental detail and data (full details of requirements can be found in the “Journal Specific Guidelines” section below).

Research findings should be presented in an informative way, emphasising the importance and potential impact of the research. Authors should limit experimental procedures and data in the main text to a maximum two journal pages (approximately 5 double-spaced pages), with all additional experimental information and data placed in the electronic supplementary information (ESI).

Authors are particularly encouraged to prepare a title and abstract which concisely summarise the key findings of their research and their importance, avoiding the use of non-standard abbreviations, acronyms and symbols, as this will enable potential readers to quickly understand the significance of the research. Authors should also consider using recognisable, searchable terms, as around 70% of our readers come directly via search engines. The table of contents graphic should give the reader a clear indication of the topic of the study, for example by showing key compounds.

Authors are encouraged to use the article template, available from our Author templates & services page, for preparing their submissions. However, the use of the template for Research article submissions is not essential.

Additional guidance on the layout and formatting of the article and supplementary information can be found on our Prepare your article page.


Review article

These are easy-to-read articles covering current areas of interest for a broad medicinal chemistry audience. They are a concise and critical appraisal of an area in medicinal chemistry or a related topic, typically 6-12 pages in length. We also welcome shorter, mini-review style articles under this article type.

Reviews should focus on the key developments that have shaped the topic, rather than comprehensive reviews of the literature. Authors are encouraged to summarise important findings instead of re-iterating details already available in the primary work and should provide summary figures instead of multiple figures from original manuscripts, where appropriate.

Authors should include their own perspective on developments and trends, and the final paragraphs should discuss future directions, particularly identifying areas where further developments are imminent or that are in urgent need of being addressed.

Please note that Reviews should include balanced coverage of the field and not focus predominantly on the author’s own research.



Opinions are short, personal viewpoints on a topic of current interest to the community. They can be speculative in nature and stimulate counter-opinion, provided that they are not defamatory to the work of others. They should contain rigorous, evidence-backed scientific justification, and bring significant and valuable insights to the field.

Opinions are typically three to four pages in length and are normally published by invitation of the RSC Medicinal Chemistry Editorial Board or Editorial Office. Opinions undergo a rigorous and full peer review procedure, in the same way as Research and Review articles.



Comments and Replies are a medium for the discussion and exchange of scientific opinions between authors and readers concerning material published in RSC Medicinal Chemistry.

For publication, a Comment should present an alternative analysis of and/or new insight into the previously published material. Any Reply should further the discussion presented in the original article and the Comment. Comments and Replies that contain any form of personal attack are not suitable for publication.

Comments that are acceptable for publication will be forwarded to the authors of the work being discussed, and these authors will be given the opportunity to submit a Reply. The Comment and Reply will both be subject to rigorous peer review in consultation with the journal’s Editorial Board where appropriate. The Comment and Reply will be published together.




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