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语料库与人文学科研究(英文)(Corpus-based Studies across Humanities)(国际刊号) (官网投稿)

《语料库与人文学科研究(英文)》(Corpus-based Studies across Humanities)(半年刊),创刊于2023年,上海外国语大学语料库研究院与De Gruyter(德古意特)出版社合作出版。该刊物由上海外国语大学语料库研究院胡开宝教授和英国兰卡斯特Tony McEnery教授担任联合主编,编辑部设在上海外国语大学语料库研究院。致力于发表具有原创性和创新性的研究...[显示全部]
















国际期刊征稿丨Corpus-based Studies across Humanities



Call for Papers

Corpus-based Studies across Humanities

The study of corpora has largely been considered as a sub-field of linguistics, but growing interest and considerable investment in corpora have encouraged development of corpora of diverse genres, which can be used not only for linguistic analysis but also for machine learning and human behaviour analysis. More recent development in artificial intelligence and machine translation has further expanded the remit of the application of corpora and enabled conspicuous adoption of a corpus-based methodology in a wide range of disciplines within Humanities, not limited to linguistics, to the extent that we are witnessing a growing number of multimodal corpora and non-linguistically oriented corpus-based studies. Nevertheless, most academic journals, if not all, that are dedicated to corpus-based research are restricted to linguistically oriented research, ignoring such a changing pattern in corpus research. Acknowledging such a gap, this journal aims to provide a platform for researchers in the Humanities to have a dialogue about different and innovative approaches to the use of corpora, and to update them with the most recent, cutting-edge corpus research. To this end, we hope this journal encourages more interdisciplinary collaboration for corpus research within the Humanities.

Corpus-based Studies across Humanities (CSH) invites contributions that apply corpus/corpora as a tool to topics in various areas across humanities and social sciences. 

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: 

Corpora and Language Studies

Corpus linguistics

Corpus-based Translation/Interpreting Studies

Corpora and Literary Studies

Corpora and Education

Corpora and Medical Humanities

Corpora and Communication

Corpora and Rhetoric Studies (including Visual Rhetoric Studies)

Corpora and Fine Arts

Corpora and History

Corpora and Film Studies

Corpora and Legal Studies

Corpora and Regional Studies





About the Journal

Corpus-based Studies across Humanities is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original and innovative, theoretical and applied/empirical corpus-based research in the Humanities. Recognising the increasing use of corpora across the Humanities, it aims to offer an interdisciplinary, transnational research forum for scholars from a wide range of sub-fields in the Humanities who carry out critical and original corpus-based research with highest scholarly standards in any area of the Humanities, encompassing areas such as linguistics, translation studies, the digital humanities, the medical humanities, film studies, philosophy, history, literature, law, art, and archaeology. It also welcomes contributions on the types of softwares for the development of corpora that support studies in the Humanities (more from a computational perspective). The language of the journal is English. The Review section is to introduce and critically discuss the most important recent publications on corpus-based approaches as well as software development.


Corpus-based Studies across the Humanities



Instructions for Authors

Scope and general policies of the journal


Corpus-based Studies across the Humanities (CSH) is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original and innovative, theoretical and applied/empirical corpus-based research in the Humanities. Recognising the increasing use of corpora across the Humanities, it aims to offer an interdisciplinary, transnational research forum for scholars from a wide range of sub-fields in the Humanities who carry out critical and original corpus-based research with highest scholarly standards in any area of the Humanities, encompassing linguistics, translation studies, the digital humanities, the medical humanities, film studies, philosophy, history, literature, law, art, and archaeology. It also welcomes contributions on the types of software for the development of corpora that support studies in the Humanities (from a computational angle). The language of the journal is English. The review section is to introduce and critically discuss the most important recent publications on corpus-based approaches as well as software development. CSH also publishes reviews of books relevant to corpus-based studies across the Humanities.

Article categories

Research Article

Review Article

Book Review

Peer review, turnaround times and preprint policies

Peer review information

CSH is a double-blind journal. Manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by at least two independent reviewers selected by the Editors.

The authors may provide the names, institution, country and e-mail addresses of up to four potential reviewers. Reviewers indicated by the authors must be of institutions and countries different from the corresponding author/ those of any of the authors. Authors may also provide names of reviewers they wish to exclude from reviewing their manuscripts.

The editors reserve the right to reject submitted manuscripts without peer review if the studies are not novel or important enough to merit publication in the journal. Manuscripts deemed unsuitable (insufficient originality or limited interest to the target audience) will be also rejected without review.

Turnaround time

CSH aspires to inform authors of the peer review decision within 3–4 weeks from submission date. Revised manuscripts should be returned within 3–6 weeks. Accepted articles will be published online within 2–4 weeks of acceptance.

Issue based publication

Articles are first published online as DOI-citable articles and are later assigned to an issue with final page numbers.




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