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热带植物(英文)(Tropical Plants)(国际刊号) (官网投稿)

《热带植物(英文)》(Tropical Plants)(一年1卷),是由海南大学创办的第一本国际英文期刊,这也是国内第一本关注热带植物的国际期刊。期刊创办之初,除了邀约国际相关领域专家撰写学科与产业发展观点文章,也会支持各类原创文章、综述、短文、评论等,将严谨的科学论文与接触社会生产的敏锐观点、实用技术相结合,让期刊成为国际热带植物生物学领域的交流园地,服务我国热带地区生态经济发展。














全国第一本! 海南大学创办国际期刊《热带植物》



党委宣传部 海南大学 2022-05-27

522日,由海南大学创办的第一本国际英文期刊《热带植物》(Tropical Plants)正式在线出版。这也是国内第一本关注热带植物的国际期刊。


创刊之年,期刊编辑部将发起与期刊同名的系列年度学术会议2022年热带植物国际大会(2022 International Conference on Tropical Plants),邀约国际顶尖成果,讨论期刊前沿发展,并形成国际热带植物研究的年度定期论坛,进一步扩大我国在热带植物研究领域的影响力。







《热带植物(英文)》(Tropical Plants

作者须知For Authors



Submission Website: https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/trop

Article Types

Word limits are provided for guidance only. The Editors will consider submissions that exceed the recommended limit, subject to feedback received during peer review.


A manuscript reports the results of an original full-length study. An article has a comprehensive narrative that includes introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and references.

Abstract: Limited to 250 words without key words.

Word limit: Limited to 6,500 words excluding abstract, references, tables, figures, and their legends.

Tables and figures: The total number of tables and figures for the main text is limited to 8.

References guideline: Limited to 60 references. Please use the most important and relevant references where possible.

Supplemental information: Supplemental information for less important materials, methods, data (tables and figures) is allowed.


A review should comprehensively and systematically analyze and discuss the existing literature related to a specific topic. Expert synthesis, assessment, future direction, and challenges are expected. Generally, a review article should have an introduction to provide the rationale for the review, followed by sections with appropriate subheadings, and a perspective section at the end. The standard headings (acknowledgements, contributions, competing interests, funding) are also required. All invited reviews will undergo peer review prior to acceptance. Before conceiving and writing a review, it is encouraged to consult the Editor-in-Chief first.

Abstract: Limited to 250 words.

Word limit: Limited to 6,000 words, excluding abstract, references, figures and tables.

References guideline: Limited to 100 references.

Supplemental information: Optional.


A report of a study that focuses on a new method, technique, or technology that is widely useful and likely to impact the way we carry out research. Some technical details and recommendations for applying the method are recommended.

Abstract: Limited to 200 words.

Word limit: Limited to 3,000 words excluding abstract, references, figures and tables.

References guideline: Limited to 40 references.

Supplemental information: Supplemental information for less important materials, methods, data (tables and figures) are allowed.


A perspective article expresses an opinion or a new perspective about existing research on a particular topic. Perspectives propose and support a new hypothesis, discuss the implications of a newly implemented innovation, or present unique viewpoints on existing problems, fundamental concepts, or prevalent notions on a specific topic. A perspective article may focus on current advances and future directions on a topic and may include original data.

Abstract: Not relevant.

Word limit: Limited to 3,000 words excluding abstract, references and figure legends.

References guideline: Limited to 40 references.

Supplemental information: Optional.

Short Communication

Short Communication is short, peer-reviewed articles focusing on a high-quality, hypothesis-driven, self-contained piece of original research or a proposal of a new theory or concept based on existing research.

Abstract: Not related.

Word Limit: The total length of the article (including the main text and figure legends, excluding the title page, abstract, materials and methods section, or reference list) should not exceed 3,000 words, with a 200-word abstract.

References guideline: Limited to a maximum of 40 references.




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