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  • 参考译名《肾脏病学护理杂志》
  • 核心类别 SSCI(2024版), SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向NURSING



NEPHROLOGY NURSING JOURNAL《肾脏病学护理杂志》(双月刊)。The Nephrology Nursing Journal is the official publication of the American Nephrology Nurses Associatio...[显示全部]















Nephrology Nursing Journal

Author Guidelines

The Nephrology Nursing Journal is the official publication of the American Nephrology Nurses' Association (ANNA). The Nephrology Nursing Journal is a refereed clinical and scientific publication that provides current information on a wide variety of subjects to facilitate the practice of professional nephrology nursing. Its purpose is to disseminate information on the latest advances in research, practice, and education to nephrology nurses and to positively influence the quality of care provided.

The Nephrology Nursing Journal welcomes both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts and suggestions for articles. Manuscript queries should be submitted to BethTUlrich@gmail.com. All materials must be original and submitted for the exclusive use of the Nephrology Nursing Journal.

Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript should follow the guidelines established by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition (2020). In addition, NNJ adheres to APA guidelines regarding the use of non-biased language. Authors should refer to the APA Publication Manual for all details regarding the formatting of manuscripts. Information on APA Style is also available online (https://apastyle.apa.org/).

Technical Format

Manuscripts should be submitted using MS Word. The manuscript should be submitted in a 12 point font, be double spaced, and have at least one inch (1”) margins. The preferred font is Times New Roman. The text in the body of the manuscript should be indented at the beginning of each paragraph. A running header (shortened title) and page number should be included at the top of each page of the manuscript except for the title page.

Reference software programs (including the program that comes with MSWord) should NOT be used.


NNJ uses three levels of headings in the body of the manuscript:

First Level (bold, left justified, underlined, Arial font, 12 point) Second Level (bold, left justified, Times New Roman font, 12 point) Third level. (bold, at the start of the paragraph, Times New Roman font, 12 point)

 Punctuation Guidelines

Spacing - Insert one space after commas, colons, semicolon, and periods.

Commas - Within a sentence, use commas to separate three or more elements that do not have internal commas (for example – apples, oranges, and bananas); use semicolons to separate three or more elements that have internal commas.

Quotation marks - Use double quotation marks when quoting material directly from the source, the first time a word or phrase is used for an invented or coined expression, and to set off the title of an article or chapter when the title is mentioned in the text. Do not use double quotation marks to identify the anchors of a scale or to introduce a technical term - italicize them instead. Do not use double quotation marks to enclose block quotations of 40 or more words.

Bullet points - If each bullet point is a complete sentence, start each with a capital letter and end each with a period. If the bullet points are a list, then end each bullet point with a comma or semicolon as noted above. End the last bullet point with a period.

Order of the Manuscript

The following order should be followed for all manuscripts submitted to NNJ including department submissions.

Title Page – Include

o title of the manuscript

o the names of the author(s) with their credentials

o keywords – Three to five words/phrases typically used when people are searching for information ( e.g., hemodialysis, transplantation, work environment).

Author Information – For each author, provide the

o Name

o Credentials - according to the ANA 2009 Position Statement, the correct order of credentials is education (list highest attained degree first), licensure (state designation or requirement), national certification, awards and honors, other certifications  (https://www.nursingworld.org/~4abf5a/globalassets/certification/renewa ls/DisplayCredentials-Brochure)

o Indicate which author is the primary author or the corresponding author

o Current job title, name of employer, city and state of employer

o If applicable, any current ANNA leadership position titles

o If applicable, ANNA chapter of which the author is a member

o Contact information including email address, phone number, and land mail address (home address preferred).

o Disclosure statement. Include a statement signed by all authors that the contents, in whole or in part, have not been previously reported, and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, nor will be, until a decision is made by the Nephrology Nursing Journal Editor.

Acknowledgement of funding or other contributions (include only if applicable)

Other acknowledgements (include only if applicable)

Abstract (75-125 words) – The abstract should be written as one paragraph

Key words – Provide several key words that describe the content and can be used in searches

Learning outcome

Manuscript text


Tables (each on a separate page)

Figures (each on a separate page)

Tables, Figures, and Photographs

Each table and figure (including photographs, which are considered to be figures) should appear on a separate page after the reference section. Each table and figure should have a title at the top and any sources or permissions for the use of the table listed under the table/figure. For figures, make sure to submit the figure in a format that can be recreated for publication. If the figure is a graph, for example, submit the graph in a format that includes access to the data used to create the graph. The data in the tables and figures should be carefully checked for accuracy -make sure all the numbers that should add up actually do add up.

Photographs must be of high resolution. If the table or figure is taken from another source, include a full reference citation. Obtaining permission to reprint another's work is the responsibility of the author. In addition, photographs that contain the image of an individual or individuals must be accompanied by signed releases from those individuals stating that they give permission for the photograph to be used in NNJ.


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