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  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《俄勒冈州历史季刊》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向HISTORY



OREGON HISTORICAL QUARTERLY《俄勒冈州历史季刊》(季刊). The Oregon Historical Quarterly, a peer-reviewed, public history journal, has been published continuou...[显示全部]







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Oregon Historical Quarterly

The Journal of Record for Oregon History

The Oregon Historical Quarterly — a peer-reviewed, awardwinning, public history journal — has been published continuously since 1900 by the Oregon Historical Society, an independent, nonprofit organization. OHQ brings well-researched, wellwritten history about Oregon and the Pacific Northwest to both scholars and a general audience. With a circulation of around 4,000, OHQ is one of the largest state historical society journals in the United States and is a recognized and respected source for the history of the Pacific Northwest region. OHQ enjoys a broader readership than many academic journals, finding a place in public, high school, college, and university libraries and in classrooms, as well as in the hands of individuals and families.

Areas of Interest

The journal welcomes articles and essays about the history of Oregon and the Oregon Country in the broadest sense, including manuscripts dealing with history and historiography, folklore, art, literature, sociology, anthropology, and scientific fields. Subjects should address some aspect of regional history that is tied to present-day Oregon or the historic Oregon Country. OHQ seeks to encourage scholarship that increases knowledge about peoples who have not yet received lengthy, sustained attention from historians. We ask that all manuscripts attend to context, particularly regarding issues of race, class, gender, and place — even if they are not central to the author’s argument. We also encourage recognition of the Indigenous relationship to places under study by our authors.

Submission Information

See reverse for OHQ features and review process. See also OHQ author style sheet for specific submission guidelines.

Research articles submitted to the Quarterly should be 7,000 to 9,000 words, plus documentation. Shorter pieces (see “Other OHQ Features” on reverse) are also accepted. Manuscripts must represent original research and writing and should not be under consideration by any other publication. Authors should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.) in matters of documentation and the treatment of words and abbreviations. Submissions of electronic files via email attachment sent directly to the editor are preferred. Authors are encouraged to submit photographs, sketches, charts, or other documents that could be used to illustrate the article.

Questions may be directed to the editor via phone or e-mail. Please do not send original photographs or irreplaceable materials. The editor will endeavor to reply to submissions in a reasonable amount of time, no longer than two weeks. If not, please get in touch. The double-blind peer review process usually takes about two months.

Prizes & Research Support

The Joel Palmer Award, carrying a $300 prize, is given annually to the author of the best article published in the Oregon Historical Quarterly. Articles are judged on overall conception, strength of research, and readability. The annual Donald J. Sterling, Jr., Fellowship in Pacific Northwest History supports one graduate student and one senior scholar. See www.ohs.org.


Oregon Historical Quarterly

1200 S.W. Park Ave.

Portland, OR 97205-2483

Eliza E. Canty-Jones, editor


(503) 306-5236


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