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  • 参考译名《多克拉迪地球科学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率15.20%



DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES《多克拉迪地球科学》(月刊)。Doklady Earth Sciences  is a journal that publishes new research in Earth science of great si...[显示全部]






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Instructions for the Authors


The editorial staff of Doklady asks the authors to prepare manuscripts according to the following rules. Manuscripts that do not comply with these rules are not considered for publication.

1. Manuscripts must have a recommendation from a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, if required (see above).

2. Articles are published in the order they are received. Some significant and first-priority articles can be published earlier than others.

3. Each manuscript should have an abstract. Paper versions of the manuscript should be supplemented by electronic versions of the text and graphics.

4. Authors should indicate their affiliations, postal address with a postal index for each institution, phone numbers, and e-mail of each coauthor, if possible, in different domains. The corresponding author should be indicated.

5. Returning a manuscript to the authors for revisions does not automatically mean its acceptance. Revised manuscripts are to be reconsidered by the editorial board. The revised manuscript must be returned by the author together with its first version. The authors should respond to all reviewer comments and suggestions. The date of manuscript receipt is considered to be the date of receipt of the final revised version of the manuscript.

6. Doklady publishes articles at most 10 000 characters in length, including the text, tables, references cited (at most 15 items), and figures. The maximum number of figures, including separate panels, is four. The text and graphics are submitted in two copies. The same data should not be repeated in the text, tables, and graphs. Each figure should be presented on a separate sheet and be of good quality. Each figure must have a caption, even if it is described in the text. Figure captions must also be listed on a separate page. The number of a figure, names of the authors, and the title of the article should be indicated for each figure.

7. In paper format, the text should by double spaced and printed on one side of a sheet of a standard size with wide left margins (there should be at most 30 lines on each page with at most 60 characters in each line). All pages should be numbered. There must be no handwritten inserts or glued-in insets in the text.

8. The text of the report must be carefully edited and signed by all the authors. In mathematical articles it is desirable to avoid proving theorems and lemmas. Abbreviations must be explained in the text. Only common abbreviations should be used. Others should not be used if possible.

9. Mathematical and chemical formulas and symbols in the text must be clear.

Cumbersome notation should be avoided. Numbered formulas should be typed on a separate line with a number on the right. It is desirable to number only those formulas that are referred to in the text. It is desirable to avoid symbols ~, , , , and  above and under the letters. The text of theorems and other statements must be italicized (excluding mathematical symbols).

The International System of Units (SI) is recommended for use when selecting the units of measure.

10. When describing the methods of the research, only its original part should be included; elemental analysis should contain only averaged data.

11. The transcription of geographical names must correspond to the latest atlas.

12. References should be given in square brackets; e.g., [1]. The list of references is presented on a separate page.

A reference to a book should include the surnames and initials of authors, complete book title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and volume or part.

A reference to periodicals should include the surname and initials of authors, journal title, year, volume, number, and first and last pages of an article.

13. The copyright transfer agreement must be submit together with the manuscript.

Standard forms are available on the web sites www.naukaran.ru and www.maik.ru.

14. Articles published in Doklady are supposed to be understood by a broad audience.

Therefore, authors are requested to provide clear and readily understandable texts.

15. If the manuscript cannot be made as short as requested or requires too many illustrations (see item 6 above), the authors are recommended to submit their manuscript to a specialized journal. Works that are too long are returned without consideration to the authors for shortening.

16. Publication of an article in Doklady does not prohibit the authors from submitting a full version of it to another journal.

17. Rejected manuscripts are not returned to the authors.

18. Rejected manuscripts are not considered by the editorial board a second time.


1. General Statements

The electronic version of the manuscript is submitted by the author together with a hard copy. If the article requires significant revision after review, the authors submit the revised variant of the electronic version together with the corrected hard copy.

For fast communication, the author provides e-mail addresses, preferably in different domains.

The electronic version of the manuscript should include a file with a text body and files with illustrations. If illustrations are included in the same file with the text body, files of illustrations should also be provided as separate files.

The set of files should be supplemented by an inventory in the form of a file that indicates the disk format, operation system, text editor, names of files, journal title, article title, and authors' names.

Files can be sent on CDs or via e-mail (for articles accepted for publication) or via FTP. It is recommended to test CDs for readability and check for viruses.

To deliver the electronic version of the manuscript via FTP, please first consult the editorial staff and then the computer support services of MAIK "Nauka/Interpeiodica",telephone +7(495) 333 9302, e-mail: egur@maik.ru. The ready files can be sent via e-mail: cedgraph@maik.ru.

When sending the files via e-mail

please indicate in the subject field the journal, its volume, and number, and the surname of the first author, attach your files.

 if files are large, please use common archive utilities (ARJ, ZIP, RAR, etc.); UU-coding of the files is also recommended for more reliable file transfer.

2. Preparing the Electronic Version of Your Manuscript

2.1. The text body. It is desirable to submit the text body of the manuscript in "text only" format. The lines of the text within a paragraph must not be separated by the carriage return symbol ¶ (usually, this is done by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard). Texts with lines separated within a paragraph by the carriage return symbol cannot be used.

You can submit manuscripts as Microsoft Word files of any version.

2.2. Illustrations. Both scanned black-and-white or grey-scale illustrations and those prepared using software are accepted.

When preparing illustrations, please consider the following recommendations:

  TIFF format is preferable for halftone photographs and line drawings, but JPG and GIF formats can also be used.

 EPS format is preferable for vector graphics and diagrams.

When preparing files in TIFF format, it is desirable to adhere to the following requirements:

 line drawings should be scanned at 600 dpi, halftone drawings and photographs should be scanned with a resolution of at least 200 dpi.

Files with illustrations should have names that make it clear what article they belong to and what the order of their appearance in the text. One file should not contain more than one drawing.

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