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昆虫分类学报(英文版)(Entomotaxonomia)(原:昆虫分类学报)(不收版面费审稿费) (官网投稿)

本刊为:CSCD核心(2023-2024), 科技核心(2023自然科学), 维普收录, 知网收录, 目次收录(万方),不收版面费,外文期刊,第二批认定学术期刊,

















Instructions for Contributors

Entomotaxonomia is a journal of insect taxonomy established in 1979. It is an international peer-reviewed journal for publication of high-quality original articles in the theory and application of insect taxonomy, systematics, phylogeny, biodiversity, and related fields. From January 2012, the journal accepts only English manuscripts rather than those submitted in Chinese.

Call for papers

We invite potential authors to submit manuscript(s) to the journal for publication. In order to enhance speedy progress with the peer review of articles, authors are encouraged to provide three to four potential reviewers along with the submission of their manuscript(s).

Manuscript submission

Authors are encouraged to send manuscript(s) to our website (http://www.entomotaxonomia.net/xbkcflxb/ch/index.aspx). Chinese authors should provide their manuscript(s) in English together with both Chinese and English abstracts. When you submit your manuscript to Entomotaxonomia it will be more expedient to the review process if you provide the names and e-mail addresses of the potential reviewers in the covering letter. Author(s) will be informed after the manuscript is received and a decision on your manuscript acceptability will generally be made within six weeks from the submission date. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next available issue.

Page charge and open access

There is no page charge for publishing in Entomotaxonomia from 2012. Figure(s) in black and white are free of charge but color plate(s) will be ¥800 or $150 per page.

All papers published in Entomotaxonomia are open access from 2012. And from 2015, all articles are also published online in advance with DOI numbers, which provides a more convenient platform for professionals and researchers.

Editorial Board of Entomotaxonomia

December 1, 2023

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    版权所有 Copyright@2009-2015豫ICP证合字09037080号

     纯自助论文投稿平台    E-mail:eshukan@163.com

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