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国家科学进展(英文)(National Science Open)(OA期刊) (官网投稿)

《国家科学进展(英文)》(National Science Open)(双月刊),2022年正式出版,是由中国科学院主管,中国科技出版传媒股份有限公司主办的自然科学综合性英文期刊。由《中国科学》杂志社与EDP Sciences联合出版,重点关注交叉领域学科发展,栏目设置:Research Article, Review, Commentary, Perspective...[显示全部]
本刊为:知网收录, 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(万方),外文期刊,




















·National Science Review姊妹刊



张跃 院士(北京科技大学)




汪卫华 院士(中国科学院物理研究所)


张锦 院士(北京大学)


孟安明 院士(清华大学)


倪晋仁 院士(北京大学)


张跃 院士(北京科技大学)


何雅玲 院士(西安交通大学)


杨德仁 院士(浙江大学)

Aims and Scope:

National Science Open is an open access journal that disseminates the most influential research of profound impact in advancing human knowledge, covering the full arc of natural sciences and engineering. Papers with transformative originality and pivotal development in multidisciplinary area, or their distinctive fields are published in this journal with fair, rigorous review, and fast production. Led by a global team of distinguished researchers, National Science Open also publishes timely, insightful commentaries and perspectives, engaging the interest of academic community and wider public.

栏目设置:Research Article, Review, Commentary, Perspective



灵活发表:Research ArticleReview文章长度不限

本刊由《中国科学》杂志社与EDP Sciences联合出版



NSOnso.edpsciences.org) 官方主页


作者须知Instructions for authors



Information for Authors

Aims and scope

National Science Open (NSO) is an open access bimonthly journal launched in 2022 that disseminates the most influential research of profound impact in advancing human knowledge, covering the full arc of natural sciences and engineering. Papers with transformative originality and pivotal development in multidisciplinary areas, or their distinctive fields are published in this journal with fair, rigorous review & fast production. Led by a global team of distinguished researchers, NSO also publishes timely, insightful commentaries and perspectives, engaging the interest of academic community and wider public.

Types of manuscripts

Reviews: Extensive reviews cover recent progress in specific areas of science, including historical overviews, recent advances made by scientists within China and internationally & perspectives for future development. The content should be based on, or closely related to, the author’s own research work and appropriate for readers of a broad range of scientific disciplines. Reviews can be short or long formats, up to 50,000 words, with up to 20 figures/tables & up to 300 references.

Research Articles: Research articles originally report substantial advances regarding an important scientific problem. Articles are flexible in length, up to 20,000 words, with up to 10 figures/tables & up to 100 references. Other supporting information should usually be included in supplementary materials that will only be published online.

Perspectives: Perspectives include articles on the latest developments in a specific area of research, viewpoints on recent progress in science and technology, scientific research funding and administration, as well as science-related societal issues. Perspectives are limited to 1000 words, with no more than 10 references and one figure/table.

Commentaries: These include comments received by NSO on contents and subjects covered by NSO that are of general interest to our readers.

Commentaries are limited to 1000 words, with no more than 10 references and one figure/table.

Manuscript preparation

Submitted manuscripts must not have been published (in print or electronic format) or be currently under consideration by another journal.

The author should make sure that no part of the manuscript is copied from any other work only if all the permissions required (for print and electronic use) for any material drawn from other copyrighted publications have been obtained. All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship. Multiple corresponding authors are accepted in a single submission. Manuscripts should be written in concise and correct English.

Acknowledgements and details of non-financial support must be included at the end of the text before references and not in footnotes. Personal acknowledgements should precede those of institutions or agencies.

Details of all funding sources for the work in question should be given in a separate section entitled “Funding”. This should appear after the Acknowledgements” section.

Number references consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Reference numbers in the text are full-sized Arabic numerals in square brackets at the end of the sentence. For three or more consecutive references cited together, use, for example, [1–4]. Format other references as [4,5,12], without spaces between the reference numbers.

For references with more than three authors, list the first three and add “et al.”. For articles originally published in a language other than English, indicate the language in parentheses after the article title provided in English. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the list of International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Please supply the entire page range.

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts should be submitted and will be sent for peer review through Scholar One (https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/nsopen).

For full Instructions for Authors, please visit https://www.nso-journal.org/author-information/instructions-for-authors For further information, please contact: National Science Open Editorial Office, Science China Press, No. 16, Dong-huang-cheng-gen North Street, Beijing 100717, China. E-mail: nso@scichina.org. Tel: +86(10)64037232. Fax: +86(10)64016350.


The opinions expressed in NSO are those of the authors and contributors & do not necessarily reflect those of the editors, the editorial board, Science Press and EDP Sciences or the organization to which the authors are affiliated. Neither Science Press nor National Science Open makes any representation, express or implied, in respect of the accuracy of the material in this journal and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. The reader should make his/her own evaluation as to the appropriateness or otherwise of any experimental technique described.

Supervised by Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Sponsored by Science Press (China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.).

Published by Science Press (No. 16, Dong-huang-cheng-gen North Street, Beijing 100717, China. E-mail: nso@scichina.org) and EDP Sciences (17 Avenue du Hoggar, 91944 Les Ulis, France. E-mail: nso@edpsciences.org).

Printed by Beijing Congreat Printing Co., Ltd, Ji’an Road No. 2, Houshayu Jixiang Industrial Park, Shunyi District, Beijing 101318, China.

Edited by Editorial Board of National Science Open, No. 16, Dong-huang-cheng-gen North Street, Beijing 100717, China.

Editor-in-Chief: Yue Zhang

Editorial Staff: Executive Editor: Shengli Ren; Scientific Editors: Bingzi Zhang, Yuan Gao, Suzhen Liu, Xiuling Xu, Weijie Zhao, He Zhu;

Publishing Editor: Yang Liu & Hui Liu; News Editor: Yang Liu; Art Editor: Xiaoling Yu

Cover image credit: Caixia Gao, Sinian Xing & Xiaoling Yu

Copies of this journal sold without a Science China Press sticker on the cover are unauthorized and illegal.

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