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Clinical & Experimental Metastasis《临床与实验转移》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《临床与实验转移》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率2.70%
  • 主要研究方向医学-ONCOLOGY肿瘤学



Clinical & Experimental Metastasis《临床与实验转移》(双月刊). Clinical & Experimental Metastasis is an international, multidisciplinary journal devoted to th...[显示全部]















Clinical & Experimental Metastasis

Submission guidelines

Instructions for Authors

Types of papers

Original Articles, Reviews, Short Communications, Clinical & Translational Perspectives, Rising Star Reviews, Technical Notes in Metastasis Research, Molecules in Metastasis, Commentaries and Letters to the Editor will be considered for publication.

Original research articles

Original research articles report significant advances in knowledge based on laboratory-based, experimental or clinical/therapeutic investigations that specifically and directly focus on metastasis formation, prevention or treatment. There are no restrictions regarding the length of the text or the number of figures. Original research articles should be formatted according to the guidelines below for the title page, text, scientific style, references, tables, figures and supplementary materials.

Review articles

Clinical & Experimental Metastasis publishes solicited and non-solicited reviews that focus on metastasis. There are no restrictions regarding the length of the text or the number of figures for regular review articles. Note that other regulations apply for “Rising Star Reviews” submitted by young investigators, as well as for “Molecules in Metastasis” and “Clinical and Translational Perspectives” overview articles, as outlined elsewhere in the Instructions for Authors. Guidelines for formatting the title page, text, references, tables, figures and supplementary materials for regular review articles are provided below.


Submission of commentaries on current and topical subjects in the field of metastasis is welcomed. Commentaries should not normally cover more than two journal pages (circa 1,500 words), with a maximum of two tables or figures, and an upper limit of about 20 references. A short abstract of about 150 words should also be provided.

Short Communications

The length and the number of figures are limited to 4000 words (text, including references), plus 4 figures (which can be multi-panel figures) and a maximum of two table. The format remains the same as for regular articles, except that we ask the authors to be very concise in writing their introduction and discussion.

Clinical & Translational Perspectives

Clinical & Translational Perspectives provide a concise and comprehensive overview of current aspects of clinical and translational metastasis research. These articles address unsolved problems and unmet needs that have a high importance for the care of patients with metastatic cancer, and which need to be targeted by clinical or translational research.

Articles should have a length of about 2,000-3,000 words with an unlimited number of tables and figures, and a limit of about 30 references. Manuscripts should include:

A description of the clinical setting/patient group

A description of the unsolved clinical problem

An overview of the current status of the bench-to-bedside or bedside-to-bench transition

Hypotheses and questions that need to be answered by future experimental research

Rising Star Reviews

Rising Star Reviews gives graduate students and postdocs the chance to publish a review article on a metastasis-related topic. This is a chance, for example, for thesis introductions to be converted into a review article, or for literature research performed when starting work in a new field to be leveraged in the form of a publication. It is also a chance for young investigators to air new ideas and hypotheses, and to gain exposure in the metastasis research community. Mentoring in the writing of review articles is expected, and can be provided either by the author’s supervisor, or by a member of the editorial board. No word, reference or figure limits are specified for these reviews, but authors are advised that concise scientific writing is expected. Individuals interested in submitting a Rising Star Review are invited to contact one of the Editors-in-Chief with an abstract outlining the proposed article, together with details about mentoring that is in place or is required. A brief abstract (maximum 250 words) should be included.




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