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  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《达佛涅斯:德意志文学研究杂志》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



DAPHNIS-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR MITTLERE DEUTSCHE LITERATUR《达佛涅斯:德意志文学研究杂志》(季刊). From its foundation in 1972, Daphnis was conceived as a platform fo...[显示全部]
















Instructions for Authors


From its foundation over 40 years ago, Daphnis (DAPH) was conceived as a platform for the publication of research into German literature and culture of the early modern period (14th18th century). Since then it has developed to take on board interdisciplinary and intercultural perspectives. It is considered today an outstanding international scholarly forum for research into the early modern period. From a comparative point of view it examines the relationship between German literatures and cultural history and the culture of other European (and non-European) countries in the period, as well as such phenomena as cultural transfer. It addresses problems pertaining to the early new high German language and to neo-Latin literature, as well as to new research fields such as intermediality, performance theories or gender studies. Within its four issues a year Daphnis offers the possibility of thematic volumes. With its peer-review procedures, Daphnis is a platform which welcomes previously unpublished contributions (in German or English) under the headings: Research Articles, Miscellaneous Contributions, Bibliography and Book Reviews.

Ethical and Legal Conditions

The publication of a manuscript in a peer-reviewed work is expected to follow standards of ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: authors, editors, and reviewers. Authors, editors, and reviewers should thoroughly acquaint themselves with Brill’s publication ethics, which may be downloaded here: brill.com/page/ethics/publication-ethics-cope-compliance.

Online Submission

DAPH now uses online submission only. Authors should submit their manuscript online via the Editorial Manager (EM) online submission system at: editorialmanager.com/daph. First-time users of EM need to register first. Go to the website and click on the "Register Now" link in the login menu. Enter the information requested. During registration, you can fill in your username and password. If you should forget this username and password, click on the "send login details" link in the login section, and enter your e-mail address exactly as you entered it when you registered. Your access codes will then be emailed to you.

Prior to submission, authors are encouraged to read the ‘Instructions for Authors’. When submitting via the website, you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files.

A revised document is uploaded the same way as the initial submission. The system automatically generates an electronic (PDF) proof, which is then used for reviewing purposes. All correspondence, including the editor’s request for revision and final decision, is sent by e-mail.

Double-blinded Peer Review

DAPH uses a double-blind peer review system, which means that manuscript author(s) do not know who the reviewers are, and that reviewers do not know the names of the author(s). When you submit your article via Editorial Manager, you will be asked to submit a separate title page that includes the full title of the manuscript, the names and complete contact details of all authors, the abstract, keywords, and any acknowledgement texts. This page will not be accessible to the referees. All other files (manuscript, figures, tables, etc.) should not contain any information concerning author names, institutions, etc. The names of these files and the document properties should also be anonymized.

File Format

Please upload source files such as .doc (word files), and not .pdf files.

Contact Address

For any questions or problems relating to your manuscript please contact the Managing Editor at: redaktion.daphnis@gs.uni-heidelberg.de. For eventual questions about Editorial Manager, authors can also contact the Brill EM Support Department at: em@brill.com.

Submission Requirements


Articles and book reviews should be written in German. Spelling should be consistent throughout.


Authors are discouraged from submitting typographically elaborate contributions. Emphasis in the text (bold, letter spacing, italics) should be used sparingly.

Italics should be reserved for titles of works in the running text of the contribution (e.g.: in Carolus Stuardus by Andreas Gryphius, and should not be used for titles of poems: in Opitz’ “Auff Herrn David Müllers Seeligen Abschied”); Latin concepts are not to be italicized. In English language contributions, uncommon foreign terms may be italicized as usual.

Diacritical signs in older literature such as the small e above the affected vowel to indicate an umlauted vowel should only be reproduced in cases where the authors deem them indispensable for language-historical or textual-historical reasons. Umlauted vowels should be displayed in accordance with contemporary usage. Double hyphens in older texts are depicted by a single hyphen. Virgules are to be reproduced immediately after the previous word, the way which commas are.


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