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科学通报(英文版)(Science Bulletin) (官网投稿)

《科学通报(英文版)》(Science Bulletin)(半月刊),创刊于1950年,是中国科学院、国家自然科学基金委员会主办,中国科学杂志社承办的自然科学综合性学术刊物,报道自然科学各学科基础理论和应用研究方面具有创新性和和高水平的、具有重要意义的最新研究成果,要求文章的可读性强,能在一个比较宽范的学术领域产生深刻的影响。我们的目标是:成为国内外读者了解中国乃至世界范围的自然科学各研究领域最新成果的主要窗口之一。
本刊为:SCIE(2023版), CSCD核心(2023-2024), EI 中国期刊(2023版), 科技核心(2023自然科学), 高质量科技期刊(T1), 高质量科技期刊(T2), 知网收录, 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(万方),外文期刊,第二批认定学术期刊,













Editorial Staff

Rui An (Director)

Tel.: +86 10 64036120  E-mail: anrui@scichina.org


Li Zhang (Vice Director; Earth and Environmental Sciences)

Tel.: +86 10 64012686  E-mail: zhangli@scichina.org


Wenjuan Zou (Physics and Astronomy; Materials Science and Engineering)

Tel.: +86 10 62567305  E-mail: zouwenjuan@scichina.org


Ming Xiao  (Chemistry and Energy Sciences)

Tel.: +86 10 62567305  E-mail: xiaoming@scichina.org


Lihui Liu (Life Sciences)

Tel.: +86 10 64036120  E-mail: liulihui@scichina.org


Qiang Shi (Medical Sciences)

Tel.: +86 10 64012686  E-mail: shiqiang@scichina.org





Guide for Authors

Science Bulletin (Sci. Bull.) is a multidisciplinary academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and co-sponsored by the CAS and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Sci. Bull. is a semi-monthly international journal publishing high-caliber peer-reviewed research in a broad range of natural sciences and high-tech fields on the basis of its originality, scientific significance and whether it is of general interest. In addition, we are committed to serving the scientific community with immediate, authoritative news and valuable insights into upcoming trends around the globe.

Types of paper

Articles: Originally report substantial advances regarding an important scientific problem. Articles normally include a 250-word abstract, 4–6 keywords, up to 6 figures or tables and 60 references. Other supporting information should usually be included in Supplementary materials that will only be published online. Articles are suggested to be limited to 10 print pages, including references, captions and notes.

Reviews: Summarize the recent progress in certain core scientific disciplines, comment on the research status, and highlight future directions. The author(s) should focus on one topical aspect rather than provide a comprehensive literature survey. Review papers should closely relate to, but not only focus on the author’s own research work. Reviews are usually solicited by the editors, but unsolicited submissions may also be considered. Reviews are suggested to be limited to 15 pages including up to 100 references, a 250-word abstract, 4–6 keywords and a maximum of 10 displayed items.

Short Communications: Provide rapid and concise report of a novel finding that is brief in nature but is of general interest to a broad readership. Short Communications are expected to be less than 3 print pages with 1–2 displayed items and less than 15 references. Abstract and keywords are not needed. Thus, the beginning paragraphs should present concise yet sufficient background information that would allow the readers to appreciate the rationale of the work, and put the study in a proper perspective. Any other supporting information (if necessary) should be submitted as Supplementary materials.

Perspectives: Provide fresh insights into new advances in a specific research field of science and technology, or scientific policy and other issues related to the scientific community. Authors should not primarily discuss their own work. While being a snapshot of an issue or a problem, perspectives are expected to propose a solution in detail. Perspectives should be less than 3000 words with a maximum of 15 references and 1–2 displayed items.

Research Highlights: Highlight and explain potential scientific significance of a most recent piece of exciting research. Research Highlights should be limited to 2000 words with 1 displayed item and 15 references.

News & Views: Introduce or comment on recent scientific advances or issues that have major influence on science or the scientific community. News & Views are generally solicited and expected to have no more than 2000 words with 1 displayed item and 15 references.

Commentaries: Comment on a recent scientific publication, a general scientific issue, or a policy of broad interest. While being a snapshot of an issue or a problem, commentaries are expected to propose a solution in detail. Commentaries are usually limited to 1 page (~1000 words) with less than 10 references.

Correspondences: Remark on a recent publication in Sci. Bull. Correspondences are generally within 1 page (~1000 words) with less than 10 references.

Please ensure that you select the appropriate article type from the list of options when making your submission.

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts should be submitted via online submission at https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/csb. If you have problems with the online submission, please contact Sci. Bull. Editorial Office by email at csb@scichina.org or by phone at 86-10-64036120. Please make sure you have prepared all the required manuscript information listed as follows before starting submission.

Review policy and procedures

Sci. Bull. adopts a rigorous peer-review procedure. All submissions are initially evaluated carefully by the scientific editors and executive editors who have a broader perspective and wider context. Manuscripts that fall outside the journal’s scope and those that are not deemed by the editors to be strong candidates for publication will be returned to the authors before peer-review, typically within 3–5 working days. The manuscripts passing the initial review will be assigned to associate editors, and then sent to qualified peer reviewers. The editors will make every effort to reach decisions on these papers within 4 weeks from the submission date.

Sci. Bull. invites an editorial board consisting of more than 100 top scientists throughout the world to ensure the editorial decisions made are independent, unbiased and professional. Being a multidisciplinary scientific journal, the editorial criteria can be made uniform across disciplines.

Please note that Sci. Bull. offers Fast-Track review and publication for papers that require rapid assessment. The main selection criterion for a Fast-Track paper is its scientific merit.

For more details, please visit the journal’s homepage on www.scibull.com or http://www.journals.elsevier.com/science-bulletin.

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