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MUSCLE & NERVE《肌肉与神经》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《肌肉与神经》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率10.10%



MUSCLE & NERVE《肌肉与神经》(月刊)。Muscle & Nerve is an international and interdisciplinary publication of original contributions, in both health&nbs...[显示全部]















Microsoft Word format required

Double Space entire manuscript, including reference section

Organize manuscript in the following order:

Title page

Article Title: A short informative title containing the major key words. The title should not contain abbreviations

The full names of the authors (first name, middle initial, surname) and highest degree (s) obtained (no more than 2 per author)

Author Affiliations (name of department if any, institution, city and state or country where work was done) **Authors with multiple affiliations should provide only their primary affiliation.

Acknowledgments if applicable (grant support and individuals who were of direct help in preparation of the study

Number of words in abstract

Number of words in manuscript (excluding abstract, references, table titles, and figure legends).

Name/address and email address of the corresponding author

If part or all of the material is contained within a presentation made at a national or international meeting, the organization, city, and date of the presentation should be noted.

Ethical Publication Statement

All papers must include the following statement to indicate that the authors have read the Journal’s Position on Issues Involved in Ethical Publication and affirm that their report is consistent with those guidelines:

We confirm that we have read the Journal’s position on issues involved in ethical publication and affirm that this report is consistent with those guidelines.”

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest

One of the following sentences must be included: either “Author A has received support from, and/or has served as a paid consultant for .... Author B has received support from.... The remaining authors have no conflicts of interest.” Or “None of the authors has any conflict of interest to disclose.” Note: Disclosure is needed for financial income/payment from commercial sources, the interests of which are relevant to this research activity. Please identify sources from which financial assistance/income was obtained during the period of the research activity and generation of the current report. Grants

from government and/or private agencies

should be identified in the Acknowledgements section. For additional details see Muscle and Nerve’s Position on Issues Involved in Ethical Publication below.


Include title of article

No more than 250 words

Depending on type of article, the abstract

should include sections labeled Introduction/Aims, Methods, Results, Discussion.

For basic research publications a statement of clinical relevance is encouraged.

Key Words

The authors should provide 5 key words on the bottom of the abstract page pertaining to all major points of their contribution. This will help index the article for reference citations.

To choose the best key words for search engine optimization, please refer to: https://authorservices.wiley.com/author-resources/Journal-Authors/Prepare/writing-for-seo.html


Organized in the following format; Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Other descriptive headings and subheadings may be used if appropriate. Every effort should be made to avoid jargon, to spell out all nonstandard abbreviations the first time they are mentioned, and to present the contents of the study as clearly and as concisely as possible.

The methods, apparatus (including manufacturer’s name and address), and procedures should be identified in sufficient detail to allow other investigators to reproduce the results. References should be given for all discussions of previous studies and for all nonstandard methods used. For experiments in which humans or animals were studied, see Muscle and Nerve’s Position on Issues Involved in Ethical Publication below. For drugs and chemicals, the generic name should be used. Patients’ names, initials, or hospital numbers should not be used.

Be sure that all references and all tables and figures are cited within the text. The tables and figures should be numbered according to the order in which they appear. Data appearing in tables or figures should be summarized, not duplicated, in the text. All data cited in the text should be checked carefully against the corresponding data in the tables to ensure that they correspond, and all names cited in the text should be checked carefully against the references to ensure that the spelling is correct. Any ambiguous symbols (e.g., the letter “O” versus the numeral “0,” the letter “I” versus the numeral  1”) should be identified.


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