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  • 参考译名《林业纪事》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.90%
  • 主要研究方向农林科学-FORESTRY 林学


农林科学-FORESTRY 林学

FORESTRY CHRONICLE《林业纪事》(双月刊). The Forestry Chronicle is the official journal of the Canadian Institute of Forestry/Institut forestier du&nb...[显示全部]














The Canadian Institute of Forestry/I’Institute forestier du Canada (CIF/IFC) has published The Forestry Chronicle, a professional and scientific forestry journal, since 1925. It is published bi-monthly for members of the institute and other subscribers throughout the world.

The Forestry Chronicle provides information about professional and scientific management of forests and other resources. It provides forest practitioners in Canada and around the world with a means to communicate with their peers in the professional community. In addition to Professional, Scientific and Technical papers and Notes, the various sections of The Forestry Chronicle record and encourage comment on significant developments of general interest in Canadian and international forestry.

Types of papers

Professional papers report on a program of work, describe a position on an issue, or present a case for a point of view (e.g., conference proceedings/presentations).

Scientific and Technical papers present forest research results or an analytical literature review on a scientific or technical subject. Scientific and Technical papers are original and previously unpublished. They are peer-reviewed. Scientific and Technical papers must state explicitly in the Abstract and Conclusions why the study should be of interest or importance to forest practitioners.

Notes are short communications that report important findings, usually a completed project of smaller scope. Notes are not used for preliminary publications or as progress reports.

Theme issues

Anyone can submit a proposal for a theme issue to The Forestry Chronicle by contacting the Editor at forestrychronicle@cif-ifc.org. A separate set of guidelines for theme issues is available at http://www.cif-ifc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/1._Theme_Issue_Guidelines.pdf.

Page charges

The Canadian Institute of Forestry is a non-profit organization, and The Forestry Chronicle is a self-financing journal whose only funding is through advertising, page charges, reprints and subscriptions. There is a charge of $100.00 per printed page. Authors will be advised of additional charges for colour.

Prior publication explanation

The Forestry Chronicle has a policy not to publish Professional, Scientific and Technical papers or Notes that have been published previously, so as to maintain single copyright of the material. The Forestry Chronicle considers an article ineligible for publication if most of the content of the paper:

has been published in a journal or book chapter,

is under consideration for publication in another journal or book chapter,

has been or will be published in a conference proceedings,

has been or will be published in a government publication with substantial circulation, or

has been or will be posted on the internet accessible to all viewers*

Abstracts or extended abstracts related to conferences do not constitute prior publication.

* Manuscripts drawn from undergraduate or graduate research theses and dissertations are a special case, as many are now posted online following completion. As submitted to fulfill university degree requirements, completed theses and dissertations are generally considered to be unpublished works. The Forestry Chronicle is pleased to consider manuscripts derived from theses and dissertations.

Manuscript submission

Professional, Scientific and Technical papers and Notes should be submitted by the following link:


Authors are responsible for the quality of language. Manuscripts that are not written in comprehensible, grammatically correct English or French will be rejected. Authors whose native language is not English or French are encouraged to have manuscripts edited by a native English or French speaker or a commercial editing service before submission. The Editors reserve the right to reject poorly written manuscripts even in their technical or scientific content is suitable for publication.

A covering letter should accompany a PDF version of the manuscript, LaTeX format is not acceptable. “Authorization to Publish” forms signed by all authors must also be submitted (see also Publication process section, Authorization to Publish).

The cover letter must:

warrant that the manuscript represents original work that is not being considered for publication, in whole or in part, in another journal, book, conference proceedings, or government publication with a substantial circulation,

warrant that all previously published work cited in the manuscript has been fully acknowledged (see Publication process section, Permission to reproduce copyright material),

include an explanation of any real or perceived conflicts of interest (see Publication process section, Conflict of interest and disclosure),

include the previous manuscript number if a resubmission.

The Associate Editors may not necessarily contact the suggested reviewers.

For accepted manuscripts, the corresponding author will be contacted by the Editor to advise him or her of acceptance, and to ask for the final accepted manuscript in Word for Windows. All figures and supplementary data are sent as separate files. When revisions are made to a manuscript, the track changes feature of the software must not be used. The changes should be made directly in the manuscript and listed in a separate letter.

A head-and-shoulders digital photograph is requested of each author unless there are more than four authors of a paper. Photographs, including the head-and-shoulders photographs are submitted as electronic images only. They should be at least 300 dpi when printed 4.1 cm x 4.8 cm (1.625” wide x 1.875” high). Once the manuscript is accepted, to ensure the highest possible quality reproduction and printing of figures, authors must:

submit graphics files separately from the manuscript;

ensure that graphics files are high resolution; and

ensure that graphics files are the most recent, correct versions of the files.

The quality of the graphics printed in The Forestry Chronicle depends upon the quality of the graphics provided. See the Illustrations section.

All tables and equations are required to be in a workable format that can be physically manipulated. Equations should be represented in true editable format, preferably using a math editor, or they may be typed into the text. Tables and equations must not be submitted in .GIF, .JPG, or other picture formats (neither within the manuscript nor as separate files). An Excel spreadsheet format is not acceptable. Each table should appear on a separate sheet and should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Only the first word of the title should be capitalized, and similarly only the first word of table headings should be capitalized. Only horizontal rules are used; see The Forestry Chronicle for examples. Tables will appear as one column (8.6 cm; 3.375”), page width (16.8 cm; 6.625”) or for large tables sideways on the page (24.4 cm; 9.625”).

Editorial process

Receipt of each manuscript is acknowledged to all authors as soon as the Editor has conducted an initial evaluation. The manuscript is checked for conformity to these Instructions to Authors. Failure to meet the criteria outlined may result in return of the manuscript for correction before evaluation.

It is the policy of The Forestry Chronicle to correspond only with the designated corresponding author. The Editor regards a submitted manuscript as a confidential document and seeks to ensure that the authors retain control of the reports obtained during the evaluation process. The review process is expected to be completed within six weeks, but unpredictable events may cause delays.

If revisions are required, authors are allowed up to 21 days for minor revisions or no more than 42 days for major revisions. If authors are unable to meet these deadlines for justifiable reasons, then they should contact the Editor to request an extension; otherwise their manuscripts will be treated as new submissions and may be subject to further review.

Authors should attempt to address all objections raised by reviewers, especially where clarification is sought. Authors of papers required to do further experimental work or major rewriting will be asked to revise and resubmit the paper, which will be sent for further review. Authors resubmitting a manuscript must follow the same procedure for submitting a new manuscript, but in their cover letter they must indicate the manuscript number assigned to the previous submission and address the major concerns of the reviewers and Associate Editor. The resubmitted manuscript will be evaluated by the Associate Editor, who will recommend the extent of further review necessary.

Publication process

The Editor checks all accepted manuscripts for conformation to the Instructions to Authors and to ensure that all necessary paperwork is present. Any areas identified as problematic will be addressed by the Editor in consultation with the corresponding author. Once the Editor has resolved any problems with the manuscript and the original signed Authorization to Publish forms have been received from all authors, the manuscript is forwarded to the Production Manager. The papers are prepared for publication ensuring that the final printed work is consistent in form and style.

Galley proofs

A PDF proof of the paper and a reprint order form are sent via e-mail to the corresponding author. Proofs must be checked carefully, as they will not be proofread by The Forestry Chronicle personnel. An annotated PDF or a list of corrections (in Word or in the e-mail body text) must be returned within five days of receipt to the Production Manager. The proof stage is not the time to make extensive corrections, additions, or deletions. If the cost of changes introduced at the proof stage is deemed to be excessive, they will be charged to the author. The author should pay special attention to tables, figures, equations and references, and is responsible for ensuring that they are correct. The author should respond on the proof to questions or remarks of the Editors, which will generally concern material missing from references, clarification of text or complex typesetting.




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